that is a song i listen to when i'm sad about "status" by a band called kind of like spitting. the song's called young fiction writer. i dedicate it to you.
my real friends know its been a week in which devon was not at her best. work = stress, family = drama, home = null, affair = undefined, thus devon = sad. luckily i have a michael and a sweet d, two of the best friends a lady could ask for.
i want my own damn rainbow!
aaron made up a new phrase yesterday i would greatly appreciate a validation for: Shroppin' the pow pow. i think he means something about snow, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't mean anything.
on thursday i went to the grocery store after work. this is a boring story. i think one of the most boring/depressing things that a single person can do is go to the grocery store alone after work. cooking a meal for one is lonely, but while you're there buying new shampoo you have to buy yourself some food, nothing can justify how much you're spending on eating out. but i had no idea what to get there. frozen food right? that's what single people who eat alone buy at the grocery store? i have no idea how to buy frozen food, ive always cooked for masses, even when i had roommates and no live in bf. i came home with a box of cheeseits (thanks sweet d) and said shampoo.
listen. you might know this about me, but searching for parking in the mission is the bane of my existence. it always takes forever, but i always find a place within a block of my house and i wonder if i missed it before. who knows.
i'm planning on an outing involving tattooing with lord shuvo. i haven't worked out the specifics, but i want some maps, to remember how great this time is at g@rm!n and in sf. here are some ideas.
i just left my english writing class, and i have a deep suspicion that i'm the only sane person in that course. theres this old asian man that always seems to sit in front of me, although i've sat somewhere different every class. he has what looks like a twenty year old oracle, corporate swag, laptop bag completely overflowing with crumpled papers. he always wears the same tacky christmas sweater and unusually tight fitting jeans. today though, he walked in and stared me in the eye as he pulled, with quite a bit of struggle, a smashed egg mcmuffin out of the pocket of those unusually tight pants and took a bite out of it. all while looking at me. i was thinking about asking him on a date.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm equating this town as this thing that defines me but where I go I still will be.

that's hot water music. perhaps one of the best bands that's ever existed. they broke up but they just did a reunited tour. i think i wish i lived, for only a split second of my life, in florida or jersey so that i could have seen them. thank god i live in sf though. and this town does define me. perhaps because it's the most amazing city on earth.
i haven't done the blogging thing much. i think i've been nerding out too much with homework and programming and writing hasn't seemed like it was that important. i want to let anyone reading though, that aarthi is a badass with this amazing quote that she spoke when her, jason, michael, sweet d and i had an amazing sunshine picnic lunch last monday: "whats a putang" (pronounced like that) i decided though, that qua can be quintet of awesomeness as well. aarthi can be an in and out member if she would like...
everyone who matters knows that sweet d and i share a piece of glass where we look at eachother. i noticed, through this glass, sweet d rocking out to a greater degree than usual. i typed to her "i see you rocking out" at which she promptly responded by insisting that i listen to a particular song by a band called men, women & children. the song was good, but as soon as it started playing out loud, sweet d, sitting in her chair in front of her computer said "doesn't it just make you want to do this" and started doing a wiggle dance in her chair. it did sweet d. it did just make me want to do that.
above you will notice a badass picture from an amazing pillow fight. pillow fights are cool on valentines day. i will always remember this. if the asshole with the bean pillow reads this, please send me your information because i wish to sue you. my neck still hurts.
marvin and i had a magical v day romance weekend, though that should be of no surprise to anyone. we had this amazing dinner at this restaurant called shadowbrook that was set like a fairy land on the bottom of a hill inside of a beautiful garden. there was the most adorable personable fish there called fred. he was bright orange. i fell in love with him. if you think that fish can't respond to you and be the cutest f*ing thing in the whole world, please ping marvin because i'm not lying. the food there was delicious and it was absolutely stunning. please please visit the next time you're in capitola. we also did wine country drive and tons of laughing. marvin's a comedic genius. you'll see...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The weight of water, the way you told me to look past everything I had ever learned
that is snow patrol, make this go on forever. yesterday morning i woke up to snow patrol, but a different song. i like snow patrol. water seems important to me lately.
i worked my ass off today. aaron, i hope you appreciate that i didn't leave that room for ten and half hours today. i don't feel great about it though, i've been dreaming in code lately. i'm a total nerd.
you know what i love? the sound and feel of leaves crunching under my feet. i discovered that earlier tonight.
here's my marvinism of the week, as said when i was complaining about working and his efforts to cheer me up:
"congratulations. now you can go write some codes"
this weekend was uneventful but extremely entertaining for me. it was nice to meet danny, michael's super amazing persian jew friend from so cal. i love him. i wrote down a bunch of quotes for the weekend, but they involved nipples and other parts of the female anatomy which i don't feel up for blogging about. let's just say that i love josh, because he's cuddly, i love michael, because he's adorable, i love andrea because she rocks, and i love marvin because he's awesome.
oh! we went to this super pretentious symphony meets dj event in soma. i especially loved the drummers all around us. unfortunately, people talk too loudly during beautiful events. i also love crepes in the middle of the night.
i do not love it when jason forces us to walk through the ghetto at midnight.
i'm sorry folks. this week my life is all code. don't read unless you are a nerd.
the end
i worked my ass off today. aaron, i hope you appreciate that i didn't leave that room for ten and half hours today. i don't feel great about it though, i've been dreaming in code lately. i'm a total nerd.
you know what i love? the sound and feel of leaves crunching under my feet. i discovered that earlier tonight.
here's my marvinism of the week, as said when i was complaining about working and his efforts to cheer me up:
"congratulations. now you can go write some codes"
this weekend was uneventful but extremely entertaining for me. it was nice to meet danny, michael's super amazing persian jew friend from so cal. i love him. i wrote down a bunch of quotes for the weekend, but they involved nipples and other parts of the female anatomy which i don't feel up for blogging about. let's just say that i love josh, because he's cuddly, i love michael, because he's adorable, i love andrea because she rocks, and i love marvin because he's awesome.
oh! we went to this super pretentious symphony meets dj event in soma. i especially loved the drummers all around us. unfortunately, people talk too loudly during beautiful events. i also love crepes in the middle of the night.
i do not love it when jason forces us to walk through the ghetto at midnight.
i'm sorry folks. this week my life is all code. don't read unless you are a nerd.
the end
Friday, February 1, 2008
i wish it could always be like this is somehting ive been missing
i went to go see one of my top ten favorite bands of all time tonight called samiam. that song above is called dull. i rocked out at this show despite being mostly entirely alone. shout out to jim, if he adds me, for sucking up the ticket i bought and being my stand next to friend for this show. short history: jim and i met on the internet almost eight years ago, when i was a freshman in college and he put an add up on like aim or something for a bassist for his hardcore band. i pretended to be said bassist and somehow we maintained contact on a pretty routine basis for about five years. then i moved to san francisco (where he's always been) and in the last three years i've seen him twice, and talked to him maybe ten times. thats pretty funny. jim had a gentleman friend, and jim's friend hugged me and kissed me goodbye. this made me feel uncomfortable. i also dropped my over priced super shitty to the max pda on the ground at which time it was promptly stomped upon but a mosh pitter. good news! it survived. i'm thinking about getting insurance and losing this phone so that i can get a nuvifone, the most awesome product that's ever existed in the history of the universe. am i the only idiot on earth that wants to talk tech at a punk show?
i tried to find marvin cause i'm a wee bit drunk and as you might know, i love drunk dialing, but he's no where to be found. he does not get a shout out tonight.
aarthi does though! aarthi has a special affection for lucky charms. she calls them lucky stars and this last week was the first time she ever had them. yesterday she was trying to find michael's lucky charm treasure and she sort of whimpered to sweet d, "where are the lucky stars?" sweet d promptly pointed to them and aarthi did the most awesome swagger/dance to the lucky stars i've ever seen. aarthi is a badass who is super cute. can i get a hell yeah for aarthi?
i missed sweet d today, stop missing work it makes me scared. yesterday she wouldn't let me take her picture through the glass we share. "i said no, devon" she said to me. sucker.
i love michael, even though the last two times i've been to his house have run me about 150 bucks. here are my michaelisms, add if you know any:
whilst i'm talking to michael about my concerns that he might have add: runs over to his nightstand, "look what i got! (points to hot salt container)"
after being asked why he gives his cats vitamins, looking at me like i'm an idiot "cause everyone should have vitamins"
convincing aarthi to date him "if you want to spite your mom, i'm always here."
hey kk and zeb, check out my harrison ford blog here.
i tried to find marvin cause i'm a wee bit drunk and as you might know, i love drunk dialing, but he's no where to be found. he does not get a shout out tonight.
aarthi does though! aarthi has a special affection for lucky charms. she calls them lucky stars and this last week was the first time she ever had them. yesterday she was trying to find michael's lucky charm treasure and she sort of whimpered to sweet d, "where are the lucky stars?" sweet d promptly pointed to them and aarthi did the most awesome swagger/dance to the lucky stars i've ever seen. aarthi is a badass who is super cute. can i get a hell yeah for aarthi?
i missed sweet d today, stop missing work it makes me scared. yesterday she wouldn't let me take her picture through the glass we share. "i said no, devon" she said to me. sucker.
i love michael, even though the last two times i've been to his house have run me about 150 bucks. here are my michaelisms, add if you know any:
whilst i'm talking to michael about my concerns that he might have add: runs over to his nightstand, "look what i got! (points to hot salt container)"
after being asked why he gives his cats vitamins, looking at me like i'm an idiot "cause everyone should have vitamins"
convincing aarthi to date him "if you want to spite your mom, i'm always here."
hey kk and zeb, check out my harrison ford blog here.
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