Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You make me nervous can't you see I'm not in love with you

That's The Departure, all mapped out. I can't get it out of my head, and I'm sure it's always relevant...

So I'm an idiot. I wrote a bunch of stuff here about bois before and I'm taking it off now. I think it's inappropriate, maybe given all the people that read my amazing blog. Just let it be known that I make stupid decisions which make it hard for people to stay interested in me.

BUT. I'm pretty much a JSF/Facelets expert. No one thinks that's sexy but at least it will keep a steady paycheck.

I know today I feel doomed because some romantic entanglement didn't work out. and that sucks. But I'll find somebody awesome who digs my super smarts and my perfect hair and my nice paycheck, and will thus fall madly in love with me.

The end.

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