Monday, December 10, 2007

So come back down from your daydream high

that's the nine black alps "unsatisfied." i've had that tune stuck in my head all day. and it started off as a magical day. i was the first car in line on vincente at 19th ave this morning, and the sky was clear and i could see the pacific ocean, what seemed like only a few blocks away. i've never noticed it before. and as close as i live to the coast, i never venture out that way. i should spend a day at ocean beach and the zoo. or hiking lands end or something.
and then, i was driving through golden gate park, and i suppose because i awoke and left exceptionally early this morning, the sun was shining through the branches of all the trees and i said, this is pretty magical. i almost stopped to take pictures but i'm a bad enough driver as it is.
THEN i saw golden gate bridge right as i was about to enter it, and it was so clear and blue in the background, i actually said outloud "fucking amazing." that's how struck i was with its beauty. so this morning i fell back in love with san francisco. it gives me butterflies and rarely lets me down, and constantly leaves me guessing. there are so many wonderful things it does for me on a daily basis, flowers and sunsets and great weather.
and when i have a sorta' bad day, like today, when continuum kept breaking (i refuse to blog about technology) and no one would play with me even though our boss was gone, i started driving over the golden gate again whilst the sun was setting, all purples and reds on the horizon, and the water was glistening and the skyline was sparkling, san francisco made me feel all better again. i love my life.

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