i know i know...its been a really long time since the last time i vested effort into this blog. it goes the way all blogs go, the way of the forgotten. really though, its not forgotten, its just that my dang life is such a total bore. i mean its not boring, its just not funny. i don't have bad dates any more. i do see crazy people on the muni all the time, in fact a guy was talking to me today about software at the bus stop and then he offered to pay my way onto the f. i declined. it was awesome
those lyrics above are hot water music. they're awesome. song=rooftops
today i drove around for like thirty minutes looking for a dang parking spot after i left school. i finally found one, and in the walk between that space and my house three new spots opened up. bs. why is that what always happens?
i'm practically done with photo connect. man. that junk is killin' me. i'm pretty sure i'm nuts about stressing my self out about nothing. i like over obsess about junk until i want to kill myself, and then i procrastinate it away until i think about it no longer. retarded!
marvin and i coupled. but you know that.
i heard from a fairly reliable source (doug) that my old apartment building, the one with the assholes that evicted me, had a fire last week. i say bad kharma does bad things to decent people.
i've fallen in love with larry. can i please get a hell yeah for larry?
katya and ben have joined our crew. katya is pretty much uber awesome. i quite like her. i wish we could all go on a badass trip somewhere together.
eh. this blog is boring. where are my interesting facts?
oh! chinese acrobats. I went to go see them with michael, diana, kelly, jenn, marvo, and big friend pat. uh. chinese acrobats fucking rule. there was this girl and she had all these cups and she could bend in like a hundred ways all wacky style. if you don't know what i'm talking about, contact me and i'll draw you a picture. there was also a girl who could spin and throw a table in the air with her feet. but the best part were the sub par male acrobats that just dry humped eachother over and over and over again. this made michael and marvo cry. it made the rest of us laugh like normal humans.
marvin and pat swam in the bay. they are crazy. but i respect that about them
then then then we had bay to breakers. bay to breakers is like drunken exercise meets wrinkly penis. yes. cheers to green man though. i'm pretty sure he was the most amazing person there.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I want to live where soul meets body And let the sun wrap its arms around me
that's dcfc, soul meets body, obviously. marv really likes it so i've listened to the album several times in the last couple weeks and i can't seem to get it out of my head this fine morn. so there you have it.
pavel has impressed me as of recent with his super duper man skills. i got a flat tire yesterday, my first ever, so i wikipediaed how to fix a flat tire. its not that hard. pasha seemed to have advice and so i recruited his assistance when the time came to get the action done. as we were walking to my car he alerted me, though, "i'm only going on theory here." silly pasha. we did do a fabulous job of changing my flat in like less than twenty minutes. bois just have intuition about such things though. i think. this last week there have been a couple of other funny pashaisms that made me chuckle.
as he's walking back to our pod in the corner, he stopped and stared at our board for a moment then said "i want to write something interesting on our board but i have writer's block"
then when i was talking to him about something pointless and unrelated to work, he stared at me blankly for a moment or two then said, "to be honest with you devon, i'm not really into team environments."
he also mewed yesterday at his computer when he thought i was listening to music.
speaking of music, i feel really passive aggressive when i stare at my computer with head phones on so that i can't hear what's going on around me instead of staying alert and ready for the next funny thing pasha has to tell me. is anyone with me?
thanks to kelly, josh, marvo, luke, and pat for coming to our dope office party where we danced under cherry blossoms. no thanks to shuvo, andrea, and doug for being lame suckers.
i guess my biggest news this week is something you probably know if you read this, but marv and i are bf and gf now. its pretty special, and all know we've had quite the journey to get to this place. yay face. i made him banana pancakes to celebrate the occasion, and we pretended it was the weekend now.
now early to work....
pavel has impressed me as of recent with his super duper man skills. i got a flat tire yesterday, my first ever, so i wikipediaed how to fix a flat tire. its not that hard. pasha seemed to have advice and so i recruited his assistance when the time came to get the action done. as we were walking to my car he alerted me, though, "i'm only going on theory here." silly pasha. we did do a fabulous job of changing my flat in like less than twenty minutes. bois just have intuition about such things though. i think. this last week there have been a couple of other funny pashaisms that made me chuckle.
as he's walking back to our pod in the corner, he stopped and stared at our board for a moment then said "i want to write something interesting on our board but i have writer's block"
then when i was talking to him about something pointless and unrelated to work, he stared at me blankly for a moment or two then said, "to be honest with you devon, i'm not really into team environments."
he also mewed yesterday at his computer when he thought i was listening to music.
speaking of music, i feel really passive aggressive when i stare at my computer with head phones on so that i can't hear what's going on around me instead of staying alert and ready for the next funny thing pasha has to tell me. is anyone with me?
thanks to kelly, josh, marvo, luke, and pat for coming to our dope office party where we danced under cherry blossoms. no thanks to shuvo, andrea, and doug for being lame suckers.
i guess my biggest news this week is something you probably know if you read this, but marv and i are bf and gf now. its pretty special, and all know we've had quite the journey to get to this place. yay face. i made him banana pancakes to celebrate the occasion, and we pretended it was the weekend now.
now early to work....
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
And I could not stay for I believed them, left for the lights always in season
so i'm going through this super intense beirut stage. it pleasantly seems to satiate all my emotions at once. so yay beirut. i bought tickets for the tuesday night show for me and marv, did you?
we moved into our new office! yay face! a hardy welcome to tony, whom i don't think is my facebook friend, so friends, please tag tony.
new space is fab to the max. i heart it totes, with the exception that it feels sorta' stale compared to the comfy homeyness of the old joint. i understand the lived in feel will come as the space becomes more lived in. we should all buy posters and hang them. and spill things on the carpet. but no more farting bobby, that shit lingers.
whilst packing for the new place aarthi, zeb, and i were engaged in some conversation about zeb's plethora of stuffs and aarthi's bad ass lunch she made of curry and radishes. we all know zeb is sorta' a packrat of things related to 3.5 inch diskettes, but what we didn't know is that he keeps vitamins long after their expiration date in the tote under his desk. we also know that zeb is not a fella that often refuses food from his fellow man, so imagine my amusement resulting from the following exchange:
aarthi: have some of this yummy curry zeb.
zeb: no thanks, i'm still chewing on some vitamin c from 2006.
sweet d sorta' held my hand in getting into the new office yesterday. first she made me get off the train two stops early, because she said she could see the building. then she led me into a building with the giant numbers 1700 on the front. i said "sweet d, are you sure this is the right building" and she said "yeah" then we walked back and forth down the hallways and up the elevators whilst she looked for the garmin sign. long story short, it was not our building and our building, for future reference has a big 50 in front, hence the address, 50 francisco. i laughed my booty off. sweet d, you're like, super awesome to the maximum.
i spent another fabulous weekend in santa cruz with marvo kazi, though we didn't spend as much time adventuring as usual. we did see a magical little waterfall where we tied knots in long grass and made wishes. michael, marvin, can you please tell the group the name of this persian holiday or explain its traditions? thanks. mostly, marv and i didn't do anything this weekend because i was a total party pooper resulting from continuing sickness. i thought the low energy weekend would make me a fabulous worker bee, but it turns out, as most of you can attest, my cough is like, worse than ever. i feel super duper shitty.
in the midst of my party pooping action, marvin and i were going to go see a midnight showing of this older type flick at some movie theater in santa cruz. this was the whole reason i came down to santa cruz to begin with. marv and i decided to take a little nap though, of which we woke up around 10:30 discussing our options for the movie.
marv: when's the last time you saw harold and maude?
me: years. i've only seen it the once. when did you last see it.
marv: i don't know. i thought that you loved this movie, like it was one of your favorites.
me: nope. i thought that you were really stoked about it. i think its kinda boring.
the morale of the story is that we were both feeling obliged to eachother to show face at this movie for the other's benefit and we both didn't discover the other's apathy until the absolute eleventh hour. even as i type this, it doesn't seem very funny to me. it was funny when it happened. and i think it has something to say about communication and the webs we weave when said communication is lacking. ah marv. you're uber awesome.
i miss michael from my corner. pasha is super nice and i pretty much love him, but i feel like i'm annoying him when i talk to him in the middle of his code sessions. sorry if i'm annoying, pasha, i just need to know that someone else is alive here and there.
anyway. yeah. i miss michael.
we moved into our new office! yay face! a hardy welcome to tony, whom i don't think is my facebook friend, so friends, please tag tony.
new space is fab to the max. i heart it totes, with the exception that it feels sorta' stale compared to the comfy homeyness of the old joint. i understand the lived in feel will come as the space becomes more lived in. we should all buy posters and hang them. and spill things on the carpet. but no more farting bobby, that shit lingers.
whilst packing for the new place aarthi, zeb, and i were engaged in some conversation about zeb's plethora of stuffs and aarthi's bad ass lunch she made of curry and radishes. we all know zeb is sorta' a packrat of things related to 3.5 inch diskettes, but what we didn't know is that he keeps vitamins long after their expiration date in the tote under his desk. we also know that zeb is not a fella that often refuses food from his fellow man, so imagine my amusement resulting from the following exchange:
aarthi: have some of this yummy curry zeb.
zeb: no thanks, i'm still chewing on some vitamin c from 2006.
sweet d sorta' held my hand in getting into the new office yesterday. first she made me get off the train two stops early, because she said she could see the building. then she led me into a building with the giant numbers 1700 on the front. i said "sweet d, are you sure this is the right building" and she said "yeah" then we walked back and forth down the hallways and up the elevators whilst she looked for the garmin sign. long story short, it was not our building and our building, for future reference has a big 50 in front, hence the address, 50 francisco. i laughed my booty off. sweet d, you're like, super awesome to the maximum.
i spent another fabulous weekend in santa cruz with marvo kazi, though we didn't spend as much time adventuring as usual. we did see a magical little waterfall where we tied knots in long grass and made wishes. michael, marvin, can you please tell the group the name of this persian holiday or explain its traditions? thanks. mostly, marv and i didn't do anything this weekend because i was a total party pooper resulting from continuing sickness. i thought the low energy weekend would make me a fabulous worker bee, but it turns out, as most of you can attest, my cough is like, worse than ever. i feel super duper shitty.
in the midst of my party pooping action, marvin and i were going to go see a midnight showing of this older type flick at some movie theater in santa cruz. this was the whole reason i came down to santa cruz to begin with. marv and i decided to take a little nap though, of which we woke up around 10:30 discussing our options for the movie.
marv: when's the last time you saw harold and maude?
me: years. i've only seen it the once. when did you last see it.
marv: i don't know. i thought that you loved this movie, like it was one of your favorites.
me: nope. i thought that you were really stoked about it. i think its kinda boring.
the morale of the story is that we were both feeling obliged to eachother to show face at this movie for the other's benefit and we both didn't discover the other's apathy until the absolute eleventh hour. even as i type this, it doesn't seem very funny to me. it was funny when it happened. and i think it has something to say about communication and the webs we weave when said communication is lacking. ah marv. you're uber awesome.
i miss michael from my corner. pasha is super nice and i pretty much love him, but i feel like i'm annoying him when i talk to him in the middle of his code sessions. sorry if i'm annoying, pasha, i just need to know that someone else is alive here and there.
anyway. yeah. i miss michael.
Monday, March 24, 2008
we've got to keep our little clique clicking at 130 bpm
oh of montreal! when will you get too old for me? because you're all i've been listening to for the last couple of weeks. *sigh*
so i had a magical marvin weekend reminiscent of blogs passed. i hear i missed a pretty entertaining michael weekend, and for that i am sad. but, the sun kissed my skin and i took a well needed mini spring break for zombie jesus. i think even zeb got out of dodge with barb, and fed some giant mammals or something.
so friday marv took me rowing, like in a boat. it was pretty sweet. i tracked it here if you want to see. it was pretty amazing AND i got a sunburn. AND i'm pretty sure we were asleep by ten o clock. it was like the hippest most relaxing day ever. we also took some pretty scenic hikes and drives as the weekend progressed, including racing waves entering a cave so that we could bask on a beach on the cave's other side. the best part, though, of this entire weekend, was a tribute show that marvin took me to, along with his friend matt and their friend emily. perhaps the best led zeppelin tribute band ever performed to a crowd i was quickly confirmed to not be cool enough to be part of. i'm at an age, friends, where i go to punk shows and i'm considered an old lady, and i go to tribute shows at taquerias and i'm considered too young. that's alright though. marvin didn't approve of my dancing techniques. i was pretty drunk so i don't remember much, but i remember a few of the night's gems.
a) the hair pieces of the band were pretty much awesome. wigs with bangs and fake roots. pretty fucking sick.
b) the lead singer's costume change mid show. i was tickled when we showed up and he was wearing the purple flowered blouse i'm sure i saw in the target circular last month. i was less enthused when he changed into the chartreuse paisley blouse of the same design. imagine this, but three sizes smaller and warn by a sixty year old guy with nothing underneath. this attire did pave the way for gem number
c) what looked to be a c-section scar across the all of the singer's stomach as well as the hugest pecs i've ever seen (as in, they might qualify as b-sized breasts) i was later informed by emily that they were surgically enhanced and the scar i insisted was from birthin' was in fact from a tummy tuck. bravo lead singer of led zeppelin tribute band, bravo. and i'm sorry for our awkward encounter backstage. i was there to pee, not to give you roadie type blow jobs, and i'm sorry for that. they did rock to boot though. yay!
ah. mini breaks = love.
i did miss sweet d and pat though. i love you pseudo family. and i heart you bunches.
i'm sure there's more. i'll share when it comes to me
so i had a magical marvin weekend reminiscent of blogs passed. i hear i missed a pretty entertaining michael weekend, and for that i am sad. but, the sun kissed my skin and i took a well needed mini spring break for zombie jesus. i think even zeb got out of dodge with barb, and fed some giant mammals or something.
so friday marv took me rowing, like in a boat. it was pretty sweet. i tracked it here if you want to see. it was pretty amazing AND i got a sunburn. AND i'm pretty sure we were asleep by ten o clock. it was like the hippest most relaxing day ever. we also took some pretty scenic hikes and drives as the weekend progressed, including racing waves entering a cave so that we could bask on a beach on the cave's other side. the best part, though, of this entire weekend, was a tribute show that marvin took me to, along with his friend matt and their friend emily. perhaps the best led zeppelin tribute band ever performed to a crowd i was quickly confirmed to not be cool enough to be part of. i'm at an age, friends, where i go to punk shows and i'm considered an old lady, and i go to tribute shows at taquerias and i'm considered too young. that's alright though. marvin didn't approve of my dancing techniques. i was pretty drunk so i don't remember much, but i remember a few of the night's gems.
a) the hair pieces of the band were pretty much awesome. wigs with bangs and fake roots. pretty fucking sick.
b) the lead singer's costume change mid show. i was tickled when we showed up and he was wearing the purple flowered blouse i'm sure i saw in the target circular last month. i was less enthused when he changed into the chartreuse paisley blouse of the same design. imagine this, but three sizes smaller and warn by a sixty year old guy with nothing underneath. this attire did pave the way for gem number
c) what looked to be a c-section scar across the all of the singer's stomach as well as the hugest pecs i've ever seen (as in, they might qualify as b-sized breasts) i was later informed by emily that they were surgically enhanced and the scar i insisted was from birthin' was in fact from a tummy tuck. bravo lead singer of led zeppelin tribute band, bravo. and i'm sorry for our awkward encounter backstage. i was there to pee, not to give you roadie type blow jobs, and i'm sorry for that. they did rock to boot though. yay!
ah. mini breaks = love.
i did miss sweet d and pat though. i love you pseudo family. and i heart you bunches.
i'm sure there's more. i'll share when it comes to me
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you
weezer! yeah that's falling for you off one of the top five best albums ever. i dig weezer. so do you. anyone who doesn't at least sort of like weezer is crazy in my book.
sweet d and pat and i hosted our first gathering of sorts, and if you love us you were there. in fact, people were here, i think, that don't love us at all, but instead love pie and Pi and beer.
aaron, thanks for the tequila. it's gone im pretty sure, and sweet d nor i drank a lick. rest of the team surely enjoyed. thanks for the pizza too.
the best pie of the night award goes to larry, for the amazing french toast crunch pie. i wish i could link to a wikipedia article or something right now. but i can't. we should write one, larry.
i've never had a party that was such a juxtapose of pregnant ladies/ hanging my guests' coats and beer pong/complaints from the landlord. i was pulled, you know? sweet d, pat, and i finished the night with some champagne on the roof. i love our house and i love hanging out drunk on the roof when its raining. please be happy the three of us are still alive.
also! please be happy that michael is alive. he scared the dickens out of me with his stupid car accident. i love you michael. drive safe please.
we had fabulous sexual harassment training at g@rm!n yesterday. overall, it was informative. michael cracked us all up with this entertaining exchange:
lawyer: well, michael. say someone started here six months ago and they're offended by you...
michael: (interrupting lawyer) they are.
i finished up the fabulous day with a life lesson on using a drill from sweet d:
sweet d: the trick is steady constant pressure plus confidence.
yeah. i dig my new digs. life is grand.
sweet d and pat and i hosted our first gathering of sorts, and if you love us you were there. in fact, people were here, i think, that don't love us at all, but instead love pie and Pi and beer.
aaron, thanks for the tequila. it's gone im pretty sure, and sweet d nor i drank a lick. rest of the team surely enjoyed. thanks for the pizza too.
the best pie of the night award goes to larry, for the amazing french toast crunch pie. i wish i could link to a wikipedia article or something right now. but i can't. we should write one, larry.
i've never had a party that was such a juxtapose of pregnant ladies/ hanging my guests' coats and beer pong/complaints from the landlord. i was pulled, you know? sweet d, pat, and i finished the night with some champagne on the roof. i love our house and i love hanging out drunk on the roof when its raining. please be happy the three of us are still alive.
also! please be happy that michael is alive. he scared the dickens out of me with his stupid car accident. i love you michael. drive safe please.
we had fabulous sexual harassment training at g@rm!n yesterday. overall, it was informative. michael cracked us all up with this entertaining exchange:
lawyer: well, michael. say someone started here six months ago and they're offended by you...
michael: (interrupting lawyer) they are.
i finished up the fabulous day with a life lesson on using a drill from sweet d:
sweet d: the trick is steady constant pressure plus confidence.
yeah. i dig my new digs. life is grand.
Friday, March 14, 2008
It's just not the same when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face When you know you lied yourself to sleep to make it better
mineral. slower. better known as the song right after gloria. this song has things to say that i am feeling.
dear friends,
i am sorry if i have been sad faced at you as of recent. i'm trying to improve. i soon will. thank you for your patience.
sweet d just showed us a good time with some cookies and cream iced cream from the freezer. pat and i thank you kindly. the whole time, though, whilst we were indulging in iced cream, pasha was sitting at the table (after midnight) and programming. either aaron is giving him super duper pressure, or he's a bigger nerd than i thought.
pat was also better introduced into our fab social circle when he participated in lost night at michael's and josh's. it was a terrible episode. super boring. i'm blogging about tv. i'm so fucking lame. i love michael. he's like the most emotionally supportive friend i've had. and he's a cuddler. yeah. i dig that in humans. michael's the greatest, even when he gets mad at me when we're programming together.
also, my pie is bad ass. i hope that yous guys' pies are fab too. please do not let me down. i spent way too much money on booze.
today sweet d, michael, and this guy called jeremy who was interviewing had lunch in sausalito at this super awesome indian/mexican fusion restaurant. there was this baby human who was just learning how to walk. the baby human was cute. there was also a baby puppy who was just learning his ropes too, and the baby human and baby puppy were so stoked to see eachother, both squealing with joy. it was quite possibly one of the cutest things i have ever seen in my life. puppies and babies. seriously. they make greeting cards about that shit.
please call me savory d from now on. thanks
dear friends,
i am sorry if i have been sad faced at you as of recent. i'm trying to improve. i soon will. thank you for your patience.
sweet d just showed us a good time with some cookies and cream iced cream from the freezer. pat and i thank you kindly. the whole time, though, whilst we were indulging in iced cream, pasha was sitting at the table (after midnight) and programming. either aaron is giving him super duper pressure, or he's a bigger nerd than i thought.
pat was also better introduced into our fab social circle when he participated in lost night at michael's and josh's. it was a terrible episode. super boring. i'm blogging about tv. i'm so fucking lame. i love michael. he's like the most emotionally supportive friend i've had. and he's a cuddler. yeah. i dig that in humans. michael's the greatest, even when he gets mad at me when we're programming together.
also, my pie is bad ass. i hope that yous guys' pies are fab too. please do not let me down. i spent way too much money on booze.
today sweet d, michael, and this guy called jeremy who was interviewing had lunch in sausalito at this super awesome indian/mexican fusion restaurant. there was this baby human who was just learning how to walk. the baby human was cute. there was also a baby puppy who was just learning his ropes too, and the baby human and baby puppy were so stoked to see eachother, both squealing with joy. it was quite possibly one of the cutest things i have ever seen in my life. puppies and babies. seriously. they make greeting cards about that shit.
please call me savory d from now on. thanks
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I only feel alive when the vu’s flashing alarms going off in my head
so thats this of montreal song that i haven't been able to stop singing for a couple days now (thank you very much sweet d) I'm quite fond of this album. it shall get several good listens out of me.
it has been an exhaustive journey to get to this here and now of a blog. where the hell have i been and what have i been doing. not much. stress, work, study, move.... that pretty much encompasses the last few weeks. i have toooons more studying to do, but i think its necessary for you all to give a big welcome to pat, though anyone who reads this probably already met him last weekend. isn't he a badass? sweet d and i are totally stoked to have stumbled upon such a gem. thank god we didn't give up our search && put up a final ad. yeah. totally stoked.
we also have pasha and larry added into our crew. pasha's actually playing some sick guitar in my kitchen whilst sweet d sips tea and pat does dishes. this is what it means to have roommates i think? it means there's always a dang party. i have to say that i'm pretty much in love with the spirit of larry. he's like the cheeriest guy i have ever met in my life. i am fond of his spunk and how fast he works. i love g@rm!n.
i did not do very well on my calc midterm. please do not ask me about it.
i discovered that the light blue cups in the back of the cabinet are hypercolor. as in they change colors with cold liquids. i made quite a stink over these dang cups and zeb stole me a big stack of them. please expect a rad flip cup game during the raddest 3.14 that ever existed. Pi party, as in, only things requiring Pi to calculate allowed, as in, if you bring a square beverage or a square, sweet d and i will defenestrate you.
shuvo's not coming. i am sad @ this. but barb and zeb are. and they're making quiche.
please send your condolences to marvin for his loss on his magical car.
its hard for me to keep my eyes open right now....sleepy time
it has been an exhaustive journey to get to this here and now of a blog. where the hell have i been and what have i been doing. not much. stress, work, study, move.... that pretty much encompasses the last few weeks. i have toooons more studying to do, but i think its necessary for you all to give a big welcome to pat, though anyone who reads this probably already met him last weekend. isn't he a badass? sweet d and i are totally stoked to have stumbled upon such a gem. thank god we didn't give up our search && put up a final ad. yeah. totally stoked.
we also have pasha and larry added into our crew. pasha's actually playing some sick guitar in my kitchen whilst sweet d sips tea and pat does dishes. this is what it means to have roommates i think? it means there's always a dang party. i have to say that i'm pretty much in love with the spirit of larry. he's like the cheeriest guy i have ever met in my life. i am fond of his spunk and how fast he works. i love g@rm!n.
i did not do very well on my calc midterm. please do not ask me about it.
i discovered that the light blue cups in the back of the cabinet are hypercolor. as in they change colors with cold liquids. i made quite a stink over these dang cups and zeb stole me a big stack of them. please expect a rad flip cup game during the raddest 3.14 that ever existed. Pi party, as in, only things requiring Pi to calculate allowed, as in, if you bring a square beverage or a square, sweet d and i will defenestrate you.
shuvo's not coming. i am sad @ this. but barb and zeb are. and they're making quiche.
please send your condolences to marvin for his loss on his magical car.
its hard for me to keep my eyes open right now....sleepy time
Saturday, February 23, 2008
You know how to act, you scripted the scene. This film's more a short, a monologue of sorts
that is a song i listen to when i'm sad about "status" by a band called kind of like spitting. the song's called young fiction writer. i dedicate it to you.
my real friends know its been a week in which devon was not at her best. work = stress, family = drama, home = null, affair = undefined, thus devon = sad. luckily i have a michael and a sweet d, two of the best friends a lady could ask for.
i want my own damn rainbow!
aaron made up a new phrase yesterday i would greatly appreciate a validation for: Shroppin' the pow pow. i think he means something about snow, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't mean anything.
on thursday i went to the grocery store after work. this is a boring story. i think one of the most boring/depressing things that a single person can do is go to the grocery store alone after work. cooking a meal for one is lonely, but while you're there buying new shampoo you have to buy yourself some food, nothing can justify how much you're spending on eating out. but i had no idea what to get there. frozen food right? that's what single people who eat alone buy at the grocery store? i have no idea how to buy frozen food, ive always cooked for masses, even when i had roommates and no live in bf. i came home with a box of cheeseits (thanks sweet d) and said shampoo.
listen. you might know this about me, but searching for parking in the mission is the bane of my existence. it always takes forever, but i always find a place within a block of my house and i wonder if i missed it before. who knows.
i'm planning on an outing involving tattooing with lord shuvo. i haven't worked out the specifics, but i want some maps, to remember how great this time is at g@rm!n and in sf. here are some ideas.
i just left my english writing class, and i have a deep suspicion that i'm the only sane person in that course. theres this old asian man that always seems to sit in front of me, although i've sat somewhere different every class. he has what looks like a twenty year old oracle, corporate swag, laptop bag completely overflowing with crumpled papers. he always wears the same tacky christmas sweater and unusually tight fitting jeans. today though, he walked in and stared me in the eye as he pulled, with quite a bit of struggle, a smashed egg mcmuffin out of the pocket of those unusually tight pants and took a bite out of it. all while looking at me. i was thinking about asking him on a date.
my real friends know its been a week in which devon was not at her best. work = stress, family = drama, home = null, affair = undefined, thus devon = sad. luckily i have a michael and a sweet d, two of the best friends a lady could ask for.
i want my own damn rainbow!
aaron made up a new phrase yesterday i would greatly appreciate a validation for: Shroppin' the pow pow. i think he means something about snow, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't mean anything.
on thursday i went to the grocery store after work. this is a boring story. i think one of the most boring/depressing things that a single person can do is go to the grocery store alone after work. cooking a meal for one is lonely, but while you're there buying new shampoo you have to buy yourself some food, nothing can justify how much you're spending on eating out. but i had no idea what to get there. frozen food right? that's what single people who eat alone buy at the grocery store? i have no idea how to buy frozen food, ive always cooked for masses, even when i had roommates and no live in bf. i came home with a box of cheeseits (thanks sweet d) and said shampoo.
listen. you might know this about me, but searching for parking in the mission is the bane of my existence. it always takes forever, but i always find a place within a block of my house and i wonder if i missed it before. who knows.
i'm planning on an outing involving tattooing with lord shuvo. i haven't worked out the specifics, but i want some maps, to remember how great this time is at g@rm!n and in sf. here are some ideas.
i just left my english writing class, and i have a deep suspicion that i'm the only sane person in that course. theres this old asian man that always seems to sit in front of me, although i've sat somewhere different every class. he has what looks like a twenty year old oracle, corporate swag, laptop bag completely overflowing with crumpled papers. he always wears the same tacky christmas sweater and unusually tight fitting jeans. today though, he walked in and stared me in the eye as he pulled, with quite a bit of struggle, a smashed egg mcmuffin out of the pocket of those unusually tight pants and took a bite out of it. all while looking at me. i was thinking about asking him on a date.
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm equating this town as this thing that defines me but where I go I still will be.

that's hot water music. perhaps one of the best bands that's ever existed. they broke up but they just did a reunited tour. i think i wish i lived, for only a split second of my life, in florida or jersey so that i could have seen them. thank god i live in sf though. and this town does define me. perhaps because it's the most amazing city on earth.
i haven't done the blogging thing much. i think i've been nerding out too much with homework and programming and writing hasn't seemed like it was that important. i want to let anyone reading though, that aarthi is a badass with this amazing quote that she spoke when her, jason, michael, sweet d and i had an amazing sunshine picnic lunch last monday: "whats a putang" (pronounced like that) i decided though, that qua can be quintet of awesomeness as well. aarthi can be an in and out member if she would like...
everyone who matters knows that sweet d and i share a piece of glass where we look at eachother. i noticed, through this glass, sweet d rocking out to a greater degree than usual. i typed to her "i see you rocking out" at which she promptly responded by insisting that i listen to a particular song by a band called men, women & children. the song was good, but as soon as it started playing out loud, sweet d, sitting in her chair in front of her computer said "doesn't it just make you want to do this" and started doing a wiggle dance in her chair. it did sweet d. it did just make me want to do that.
above you will notice a badass picture from an amazing pillow fight. pillow fights are cool on valentines day. i will always remember this. if the asshole with the bean pillow reads this, please send me your information because i wish to sue you. my neck still hurts.
marvin and i had a magical v day romance weekend, though that should be of no surprise to anyone. we had this amazing dinner at this restaurant called shadowbrook that was set like a fairy land on the bottom of a hill inside of a beautiful garden. there was the most adorable personable fish there called fred. he was bright orange. i fell in love with him. if you think that fish can't respond to you and be the cutest f*ing thing in the whole world, please ping marvin because i'm not lying. the food there was delicious and it was absolutely stunning. please please visit the next time you're in capitola. we also did wine country drive and tons of laughing. marvin's a comedic genius. you'll see...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The weight of water, the way you told me to look past everything I had ever learned
that is snow patrol, make this go on forever. yesterday morning i woke up to snow patrol, but a different song. i like snow patrol. water seems important to me lately.
i worked my ass off today. aaron, i hope you appreciate that i didn't leave that room for ten and half hours today. i don't feel great about it though, i've been dreaming in code lately. i'm a total nerd.
you know what i love? the sound and feel of leaves crunching under my feet. i discovered that earlier tonight.
here's my marvinism of the week, as said when i was complaining about working and his efforts to cheer me up:
"congratulations. now you can go write some codes"
this weekend was uneventful but extremely entertaining for me. it was nice to meet danny, michael's super amazing persian jew friend from so cal. i love him. i wrote down a bunch of quotes for the weekend, but they involved nipples and other parts of the female anatomy which i don't feel up for blogging about. let's just say that i love josh, because he's cuddly, i love michael, because he's adorable, i love andrea because she rocks, and i love marvin because he's awesome.
oh! we went to this super pretentious symphony meets dj event in soma. i especially loved the drummers all around us. unfortunately, people talk too loudly during beautiful events. i also love crepes in the middle of the night.
i do not love it when jason forces us to walk through the ghetto at midnight.
i'm sorry folks. this week my life is all code. don't read unless you are a nerd.
the end
i worked my ass off today. aaron, i hope you appreciate that i didn't leave that room for ten and half hours today. i don't feel great about it though, i've been dreaming in code lately. i'm a total nerd.
you know what i love? the sound and feel of leaves crunching under my feet. i discovered that earlier tonight.
here's my marvinism of the week, as said when i was complaining about working and his efforts to cheer me up:
"congratulations. now you can go write some codes"
this weekend was uneventful but extremely entertaining for me. it was nice to meet danny, michael's super amazing persian jew friend from so cal. i love him. i wrote down a bunch of quotes for the weekend, but they involved nipples and other parts of the female anatomy which i don't feel up for blogging about. let's just say that i love josh, because he's cuddly, i love michael, because he's adorable, i love andrea because she rocks, and i love marvin because he's awesome.
oh! we went to this super pretentious symphony meets dj event in soma. i especially loved the drummers all around us. unfortunately, people talk too loudly during beautiful events. i also love crepes in the middle of the night.
i do not love it when jason forces us to walk through the ghetto at midnight.
i'm sorry folks. this week my life is all code. don't read unless you are a nerd.
the end
Friday, February 1, 2008
i wish it could always be like this is somehting ive been missing
i went to go see one of my top ten favorite bands of all time tonight called samiam. that song above is called dull. i rocked out at this show despite being mostly entirely alone. shout out to jim, if he adds me, for sucking up the ticket i bought and being my stand next to friend for this show. short history: jim and i met on the internet almost eight years ago, when i was a freshman in college and he put an add up on like aim or something for a bassist for his hardcore band. i pretended to be said bassist and somehow we maintained contact on a pretty routine basis for about five years. then i moved to san francisco (where he's always been) and in the last three years i've seen him twice, and talked to him maybe ten times. thats pretty funny. jim had a gentleman friend, and jim's friend hugged me and kissed me goodbye. this made me feel uncomfortable. i also dropped my over priced super shitty to the max pda on the ground at which time it was promptly stomped upon but a mosh pitter. good news! it survived. i'm thinking about getting insurance and losing this phone so that i can get a nuvifone, the most awesome product that's ever existed in the history of the universe. am i the only idiot on earth that wants to talk tech at a punk show?
i tried to find marvin cause i'm a wee bit drunk and as you might know, i love drunk dialing, but he's no where to be found. he does not get a shout out tonight.
aarthi does though! aarthi has a special affection for lucky charms. she calls them lucky stars and this last week was the first time she ever had them. yesterday she was trying to find michael's lucky charm treasure and she sort of whimpered to sweet d, "where are the lucky stars?" sweet d promptly pointed to them and aarthi did the most awesome swagger/dance to the lucky stars i've ever seen. aarthi is a badass who is super cute. can i get a hell yeah for aarthi?
i missed sweet d today, stop missing work it makes me scared. yesterday she wouldn't let me take her picture through the glass we share. "i said no, devon" she said to me. sucker.
i love michael, even though the last two times i've been to his house have run me about 150 bucks. here are my michaelisms, add if you know any:
whilst i'm talking to michael about my concerns that he might have add: runs over to his nightstand, "look what i got! (points to hot salt container)"
after being asked why he gives his cats vitamins, looking at me like i'm an idiot "cause everyone should have vitamins"
convincing aarthi to date him "if you want to spite your mom, i'm always here."
hey kk and zeb, check out my harrison ford blog here.
i tried to find marvin cause i'm a wee bit drunk and as you might know, i love drunk dialing, but he's no where to be found. he does not get a shout out tonight.
aarthi does though! aarthi has a special affection for lucky charms. she calls them lucky stars and this last week was the first time she ever had them. yesterday she was trying to find michael's lucky charm treasure and she sort of whimpered to sweet d, "where are the lucky stars?" sweet d promptly pointed to them and aarthi did the most awesome swagger/dance to the lucky stars i've ever seen. aarthi is a badass who is super cute. can i get a hell yeah for aarthi?
i missed sweet d today, stop missing work it makes me scared. yesterday she wouldn't let me take her picture through the glass we share. "i said no, devon" she said to me. sucker.
i love michael, even though the last two times i've been to his house have run me about 150 bucks. here are my michaelisms, add if you know any:
whilst i'm talking to michael about my concerns that he might have add: runs over to his nightstand, "look what i got! (points to hot salt container)"
after being asked why he gives his cats vitamins, looking at me like i'm an idiot "cause everyone should have vitamins"
convincing aarthi to date him "if you want to spite your mom, i'm always here."
hey kk and zeb, check out my harrison ford blog here.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
the fact of the matter is we need a new horizon to free our minds
i just found this album! i loved it ten years ago, seriously loved it. all systems go! and the song is all i want. listen to it if you find it. its an anthem. 'cause all i really want is everything until the end of time.
i was quoted today as saying that today was a 9.7 on all days of total happiness. seriously, i had to be leaking it all over everyone around me. i loved life and my peers today and laughing was a natural side effect. shout out today goes to bobby for helping me selflessly through a problem solved by jason in about three seconds. the good news i can still hot deploy! but only for one more day.
i never thought, if you would have asked me one month ago, after marvin's fabulous display of drunken debauchery, throwing water out of the hot tub and making lewd gestures at drea and i, that i would be planning how we would spend valentines day together. (that was a long sentence) its been a great month though. a very public thank you to marvin for being a totally awesome bloke who keeps me pretty happy.
aaron engaged me in conversation a bit today. he commented on how great it must have been to grow up in a state that kills two times more people a year than all the other states combined. he didn't even know that i grew up less than an hour and half outside of huntsville, the government sponsored murder capital of the world. i don't want to get political on here, because politics aren't funny, but i just want to start a new section here called aaronisms. there is an ongoing list i have to find somewhere.
1. you know, i kinda' miss the electric chair.
kk and i hunted through the corporate swag (stuff we all get) from corp for the college recruits. i got some sweet chapstick and an awesome mechanical pencil, which, if you read my blog, you know i've been praying for. sweet d said "didn't g@rm!n save your life?" and i have to say, they really did. best decision i ever made was to pass up higher paying start up job in the city for this amazing team.
michael, jason and i went to an sf beta mixer tonight, which was a total sausage fest. i think, becoming a female software engineer in the valley was the best decision i ever made for my "personal" life.
i was quoted today as saying that today was a 9.7 on all days of total happiness. seriously, i had to be leaking it all over everyone around me. i loved life and my peers today and laughing was a natural side effect. shout out today goes to bobby for helping me selflessly through a problem solved by jason in about three seconds. the good news i can still hot deploy! but only for one more day.
i never thought, if you would have asked me one month ago, after marvin's fabulous display of drunken debauchery, throwing water out of the hot tub and making lewd gestures at drea and i, that i would be planning how we would spend valentines day together. (that was a long sentence) its been a great month though. a very public thank you to marvin for being a totally awesome bloke who keeps me pretty happy.
aaron engaged me in conversation a bit today. he commented on how great it must have been to grow up in a state that kills two times more people a year than all the other states combined. he didn't even know that i grew up less than an hour and half outside of huntsville, the government sponsored murder capital of the world. i don't want to get political on here, because politics aren't funny, but i just want to start a new section here called aaronisms. there is an ongoing list i have to find somewhere.
1. you know, i kinda' miss the electric chair.
kk and i hunted through the corporate swag (stuff we all get) from corp for the college recruits. i got some sweet chapstick and an awesome mechanical pencil, which, if you read my blog, you know i've been praying for. sweet d said "didn't g@rm!n save your life?" and i have to say, they really did. best decision i ever made was to pass up higher paying start up job in the city for this amazing team.
michael, jason and i went to an sf beta mixer tonight, which was a total sausage fest. i think, becoming a female software engineer in the valley was the best decision i ever made for my "personal" life.
Monday, January 28, 2008
So I give arbitrary answers, but resent if you call them fake
that is this band called kind of like spitting that you've probably never heard of. the song is a secret one on this album i have... yeah. this album makes me sad, makes me think of things passed when i lived on maui and felt pretty lonely. yeah
so today was pretty nice. i woke up to a ping from my friend jaime, a lovely gentleman i was in love with for several years some time ago. he has a bunch of my secrets, so it's pretty awesome that we're talking again. for the three and half years that we were together (i think that's the official count...) i believe we spent at least 72% of the time unemployed. i don't have any idea how we paid bills or got wasted. those were the good years. now we're both successful and less punk rock. its funny how the years change folks.
oh! in case you were concerned, i left my calculus book at doug's house. he's going to let me have it tomorrow evening, or maybe i'll just take it. i still have a key.
zeb was angry at me this morning. mondays in combination with zeb's angry face equal sad times for devo. but i was happy. i fixed some bugs and i found this amazing application called whereboutz. i want to build something very similar for my dream app. everyone please add the facebook whereboutz app. i know you don't have a fb, zeb, but please be nicer to me tomorrow :)
man, the drive over the gg bridge was truly amazing today, with the red of the bridge against the green of the sausalito hills, against the blue of the sky. i couldn't have painted it better.
also, you'll be happy to know that "FUCK MATH" was removed from my calculus room wall. i'm a bit sad about it. there's this total eye candy, though, that's sat next to me the last few classes, and he makes up for any sorrow i had for the loss of that angry string.
so today was pretty nice. i woke up to a ping from my friend jaime, a lovely gentleman i was in love with for several years some time ago. he has a bunch of my secrets, so it's pretty awesome that we're talking again. for the three and half years that we were together (i think that's the official count...) i believe we spent at least 72% of the time unemployed. i don't have any idea how we paid bills or got wasted. those were the good years. now we're both successful and less punk rock. its funny how the years change folks.
oh! in case you were concerned, i left my calculus book at doug's house. he's going to let me have it tomorrow evening, or maybe i'll just take it. i still have a key.
zeb was angry at me this morning. mondays in combination with zeb's angry face equal sad times for devo. but i was happy. i fixed some bugs and i found this amazing application called whereboutz. i want to build something very similar for my dream app. everyone please add the facebook whereboutz app. i know you don't have a fb, zeb, but please be nicer to me tomorrow :)
man, the drive over the gg bridge was truly amazing today, with the red of the bridge against the green of the sausalito hills, against the blue of the sky. i couldn't have painted it better.
also, you'll be happy to know that "FUCK MATH" was removed from my calculus room wall. i'm a bit sad about it. there's this total eye candy, though, that's sat next to me the last few classes, and he makes up for any sorrow i had for the loss of that angry string.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
But I was born to lose my breath
that's my bloody valentine. if you're into such things, you should hump to this album. and then fall asleep spooning. yeah. anyway, i've been finding myself losing my breath a lot lately. and i relate to this whole song when i hear it.
i have to start off by saying that i'm blogging at ten pm when i should be fucking rocking out to poison the well at slims. BUT drea was.... um... holding my beer... for me.. or whatever, and this crazy chick with blue eyebrows came up and made us leave. then she like, lectured us like we were seven and drew big blue xs on our hands and kicked us out. seriously. fuck you blue eyebrowed chick. i've been looking forward to this show forever and you're a stupid bitch. i was so steamed i pouted my way home, and now, here i am. alone in my room on a sunday night. lame.
i lost my calculus book, i'm wicked pissed about it. if you find it please give it back. i need it to be a good student.
as you all might know, i drove down to santa cruz on friday to hang out with this guy i've been crushin' on. he's pretty cool. we kissed a couple of times, had some food, and rode the roller coaster. we also laughed a lot, he's a funny guy. i really like him. he said some funny marvinisms and told me to write them in this little book *but* claimed to have lost the page with the funny marvinisms written down in it. so now i don't know what they were. and i don't want to misquote because it takes away the magic. please find the paper, marvin.
you know what sucks? rejection sucks. getting asked politely to move out of your house. breaking up with bois. getting kicked out of shows. all that stuff sucks. it makes you feel like you're not that special because you're going to be easily replaced. no one wants to feel easily replaceable. i'm special. this is a fact. fuck you rejectors
i have to start off by saying that i'm blogging at ten pm when i should be fucking rocking out to poison the well at slims. BUT drea was.... um... holding my beer... for me.. or whatever, and this crazy chick with blue eyebrows came up and made us leave. then she like, lectured us like we were seven and drew big blue xs on our hands and kicked us out. seriously. fuck you blue eyebrowed chick. i've been looking forward to this show forever and you're a stupid bitch. i was so steamed i pouted my way home, and now, here i am. alone in my room on a sunday night. lame.
i lost my calculus book, i'm wicked pissed about it. if you find it please give it back. i need it to be a good student.
as you all might know, i drove down to santa cruz on friday to hang out with this guy i've been crushin' on. he's pretty cool. we kissed a couple of times, had some food, and rode the roller coaster. we also laughed a lot, he's a funny guy. i really like him. he said some funny marvinisms and told me to write them in this little book *but* claimed to have lost the page with the funny marvinisms written down in it. so now i don't know what they were. and i don't want to misquote because it takes away the magic. please find the paper, marvin.
you know what sucks? rejection sucks. getting asked politely to move out of your house. breaking up with bois. getting kicked out of shows. all that stuff sucks. it makes you feel like you're not that special because you're going to be easily replaced. no one wants to feel easily replaceable. i'm special. this is a fact. fuck you rejectors
Friday, January 25, 2008
All day your songs spin me into a romance repeatedly to the sky
f*ing poison the well dude. me and drea are going to this show on sunday are we're going to rock your sorry ass. yeah. metal.
so i'm about to hop in my car and drive down to santa cruz to see the man of which i'm am romantically involved. this romantic affair will inevitably kill me, i think.
the office was a rollercoaster today. number a, i walked into yelling. yelling makes me panic and feel uncomfortable. number b, sweet d was gnarley sick, and that worries me as well, because she is my soul mate, yada yada yada. there were though, some lucky charms, which are awesome, i have not had lucky charms in about twenty years. i should reintroduce them into my diet, because i got the most nutso sugar high i've ever had from them. and the worst belly ache. after the lucky charms and a pep talk from aaron where we decided i get to write a proposal for my dream app, things improved. aarthi and hai surprised me today. aarthi, because she's so sweet and angelic. i look at aarthi and i think, "awww. sweet aarthi, i just want to hug her and tell her she's special." but today she said "your face smells like garbage" to jason, and that made me laugh. she also asked me some question about something related to marvin that made me giggle. new respect for aarthi. hai impressed me because he was playing air and then pavement in his car when we went to go get burritos. this is awesome hai. you should go to shows with us, though you probably think i'm lame. michael and i showed our great appreciation for hai's musical taste by drawing penises in the steam on his car's back windows. "we're gonna go get hai". yep. then the day sucked because everyone left early and this stupid bug i was trying to fix, never got fixed. dang it zeb. i did hear a tech sentence that made me think of sexual innuendo. it was "if it doesn't work, just try it on the back end."
aaron also said something about toning down the content of my blog...so i'm going to try that.
oh! jason is a P-I-M-P because he met some broads in a bar last night and right now he's in tahoe with them. respect jason.
anyway, wish me luck on my stupid drive!
so i'm about to hop in my car and drive down to santa cruz to see the man of which i'm am romantically involved. this romantic affair will inevitably kill me, i think.
the office was a rollercoaster today. number a, i walked into yelling. yelling makes me panic and feel uncomfortable. number b, sweet d was gnarley sick, and that worries me as well, because she is my soul mate, yada yada yada. there were though, some lucky charms, which are awesome, i have not had lucky charms in about twenty years. i should reintroduce them into my diet, because i got the most nutso sugar high i've ever had from them. and the worst belly ache. after the lucky charms and a pep talk from aaron where we decided i get to write a proposal for my dream app, things improved. aarthi and hai surprised me today. aarthi, because she's so sweet and angelic. i look at aarthi and i think, "awww. sweet aarthi, i just want to hug her and tell her she's special." but today she said "your face smells like garbage" to jason, and that made me laugh. she also asked me some question about something related to marvin that made me giggle. new respect for aarthi. hai impressed me because he was playing air and then pavement in his car when we went to go get burritos. this is awesome hai. you should go to shows with us, though you probably think i'm lame. michael and i showed our great appreciation for hai's musical taste by drawing penises in the steam on his car's back windows. "we're gonna go get hai". yep. then the day sucked because everyone left early and this stupid bug i was trying to fix, never got fixed. dang it zeb. i did hear a tech sentence that made me think of sexual innuendo. it was "if it doesn't work, just try it on the back end."
aaron also said something about toning down the content of my blog...so i'm going to try that.
oh! jason is a P-I-M-P because he met some broads in a bar last night and right now he's in tahoe with them. respect jason.
anyway, wish me luck on my stupid drive!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
And though the comedy softens the fall, they still hear us with their ears to the wall
The Shins! girl on the wing. i hate my sucker roommates, i can't do anything private.
i have to share a sickness i have with you. i'm addicted to sharpening pencils. i went through four whole pencils during my calculus class today. its a sickness, and i can tell the lead is about to break but i have to keep going, and i just sharpen again and again and again... it annoys the people around me. it annoys me because i never get any notes taken. but i've done it since i was in high school. the solution is mechanical pencils but i couldn't find one, so today's note taking suffered. during one such pencil sharpening fit, i noticed next to my desk, which was against the furthest eastward facing wall, someone wrote huge with their freshly sharpened pencil "fuck math." i laughed out loud at this, which made my neighbors really think i was a little crazy, pencil sharpening, insessant text messaging, and laughing while looking at the wall. clearly nuts. anyway, who is this person that wrote "fuck math" on the wall? why were they so angry at math as a whole? its perplexing for me. i think its a young angry man who can't get integrals. chin up chap. it will all make sense soon enough.
i picked marvin up from the airport last night and we kissed at the terminal. it was pretty awesome to watch all the people get off the airplanes and rekindle the affairs with their loved ones in baggage claim. if you're ever depressed, go to the airport and watch grandmothers see their infant grand children for the first time, watch lovers run and greet eachother with kisses, hugs, and flowers from seeing eachother at long last, watch fathers greet teenaged daughters with pride and aww. its a pretty amazing place to be. anyway, i left the battery on some how in marvin's car with the ignition or something, so today when he tried to get in it to drive back to santa cruz, it would not start. i felt *very* guilty about this. i had to give him a jump (that's what she said.)
also. my morning was pretty shitty. i was feeling the negative energy that is melancholy caused from lost relationships that will never be revisited...and perhaps the wonder if i will ever have anything comfortable that i don't have to question. anyway, marvin listened to me cry and jason let me hold his arm on the trip to lunch, and gave me a hug later. i love jason. he's fucking awesome.
the day ended better.
the end
i have to share a sickness i have with you. i'm addicted to sharpening pencils. i went through four whole pencils during my calculus class today. its a sickness, and i can tell the lead is about to break but i have to keep going, and i just sharpen again and again and again... it annoys the people around me. it annoys me because i never get any notes taken. but i've done it since i was in high school. the solution is mechanical pencils but i couldn't find one, so today's note taking suffered. during one such pencil sharpening fit, i noticed next to my desk, which was against the furthest eastward facing wall, someone wrote huge with their freshly sharpened pencil "fuck math." i laughed out loud at this, which made my neighbors really think i was a little crazy, pencil sharpening, insessant text messaging, and laughing while looking at the wall. clearly nuts. anyway, who is this person that wrote "fuck math" on the wall? why were they so angry at math as a whole? its perplexing for me. i think its a young angry man who can't get integrals. chin up chap. it will all make sense soon enough.
i picked marvin up from the airport last night and we kissed at the terminal. it was pretty awesome to watch all the people get off the airplanes and rekindle the affairs with their loved ones in baggage claim. if you're ever depressed, go to the airport and watch grandmothers see their infant grand children for the first time, watch lovers run and greet eachother with kisses, hugs, and flowers from seeing eachother at long last, watch fathers greet teenaged daughters with pride and aww. its a pretty amazing place to be. anyway, i left the battery on some how in marvin's car with the ignition or something, so today when he tried to get in it to drive back to santa cruz, it would not start. i felt *very* guilty about this. i had to give him a jump (that's what she said.)
also. my morning was pretty shitty. i was feeling the negative energy that is melancholy caused from lost relationships that will never be revisited...and perhaps the wonder if i will ever have anything comfortable that i don't have to question. anyway, marvin listened to me cry and jason let me hold his arm on the trip to lunch, and gave me a hug later. i love jason. he's fucking awesome.
the day ended better.
the end
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
punked out and now i'm feeling grounded
that's *jawbreaker* and the song is jinx removing. i use it today because other people's bay area stories rule my life.
yesterday i loved living in san francisco. seriously, anyone from texas that i know that reads this, can you f*ing believe i live in san francisco?! i drove over the golden gate bridge to come home, looked for parking, met sweet d so we could introduce two new bois into our mix, walked four blocks to a popularly posh restaurant, walked two blocks to cafe du nord to see our friends band play, and then left early and enjoyed the quiet walk down church street back home. i'm in love with this city, but its just completely surreal that this is my life that i'm living.
down to the juicy details:
sweet d and I met josh and daniel, the two guys who were our top choices for potential roommates. i have some concern over adding a second josh to my life, it could get confusing. so daniel is an apple developer who's young, and totally excited. he brews his own beer and iced cream and has a strange infatuation for peanut butter. he also doesn't allow for food to be left on the table. he's got spirit, yes he do. anyway, this is a great balance for sweet d's totally downer depressing attitude (just kidding. everyone who knows her, knows sweet d never frowns unless jason is choking me out in a drunken stuper in tahoe) josh is a keeper aliver of virtual worlds, who is seemingly very level headed and mellow. he told us that they have their meetings in a virtual world. this made me laugh and when i later told michael and josh benjamin, they also laughed. laughed because it's so f*ing badass. josh likes daft punk and indian food and wine, and i respect that. we will likely be the grown ups in the house. granted no disgusting drama takes place over the next several weeks, these two fellas will be d and my house mates. love them.
we then walked over to cafe du nord to see greg's band, sholi, play. d nor i had cash, what's that about? i'm such a silly sfer now, i never have cash 'cause no one takes cards. sholi was totally badass, and made me wish i talked to greg more. they had a song in farci. i bought a seven inch. they were melodic and noisy at the same time, and very tight. i hearted them.
i bailed out early 'cause i'm an old lady. diluka was barachoing it together and mike and josh were on the prowl for hot looking bitches so it wasn't my scene anyways. i had a very quiet, peaceful walk home. once again, i love my life.
yesterday i loved living in san francisco. seriously, anyone from texas that i know that reads this, can you f*ing believe i live in san francisco?! i drove over the golden gate bridge to come home, looked for parking, met sweet d so we could introduce two new bois into our mix, walked four blocks to a popularly posh restaurant, walked two blocks to cafe du nord to see our friends band play, and then left early and enjoyed the quiet walk down church street back home. i'm in love with this city, but its just completely surreal that this is my life that i'm living.
down to the juicy details:
sweet d and I met josh and daniel, the two guys who were our top choices for potential roommates. i have some concern over adding a second josh to my life, it could get confusing. so daniel is an apple developer who's young, and totally excited. he brews his own beer and iced cream and has a strange infatuation for peanut butter. he also doesn't allow for food to be left on the table. he's got spirit, yes he do. anyway, this is a great balance for sweet d's totally downer depressing attitude (just kidding. everyone who knows her, knows sweet d never frowns unless jason is choking me out in a drunken stuper in tahoe) josh is a keeper aliver of virtual worlds, who is seemingly very level headed and mellow. he told us that they have their meetings in a virtual world. this made me laugh and when i later told michael and josh benjamin, they also laughed. laughed because it's so f*ing badass. josh likes daft punk and indian food and wine, and i respect that. we will likely be the grown ups in the house. granted no disgusting drama takes place over the next several weeks, these two fellas will be d and my house mates. love them.
we then walked over to cafe du nord to see greg's band, sholi, play. d nor i had cash, what's that about? i'm such a silly sfer now, i never have cash 'cause no one takes cards. sholi was totally badass, and made me wish i talked to greg more. they had a song in farci. i bought a seven inch. they were melodic and noisy at the same time, and very tight. i hearted them.
i bailed out early 'cause i'm an old lady. diluka was barachoing it together and mike and josh were on the prowl for hot looking bitches so it wasn't my scene anyways. i had a very quiet, peaceful walk home. once again, i love my life.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Laugh along with the common people, Laugh along although they're laughing at you
that's pulp "common people" though william shatner and ben folds do a boss cover of it.
so my roommate situation is becoming intolerable. luckily sweet d and i are meeting up with two awesome dudes we think could be a great fit into our situation in about an hour for dinner and laid back interview. i'll tag them and name them if we decide they're dope enough to live with us.
i've noticed a substantial californiazation of my vernacular as of recent. words such as "sick", "dope", "boss", and "dudes" have been added to my vocabulary and its quite scary for a texan such as me. i don't know what the cure is. i don't know if i want to cure it.
the hallway of my office leading to clark, mike, and hai's desks, is long and narrow and the light casted from each individual light fixture casts a very specifically orange glow. when i walk down the hall i get vertigo and feel like i'm in a kubric movie. it's pretty cool. i made that walk so many times today because a) the forerunner 405 is a boss device and i will do anything i can do to play with it and b) ant agent bites.
i would like to take this opportunity to give kk a shout out. she's amazing and i rarely mention her. she is a stabilizing force in my live, and it makes me happy when she says "good morning, devon" to me everyday. can i get a hell yeah for kk?
i also would like to take this opportunity to say that a certain "boi" has made my heart super happy over the last ~4 weeks. i'm totally falling in love with myself (but not in a narcissistic way)
rock out!
so my roommate situation is becoming intolerable. luckily sweet d and i are meeting up with two awesome dudes we think could be a great fit into our situation in about an hour for dinner and laid back interview. i'll tag them and name them if we decide they're dope enough to live with us.
i've noticed a substantial californiazation of my vernacular as of recent. words such as "sick", "dope", "boss", and "dudes" have been added to my vocabulary and its quite scary for a texan such as me. i don't know what the cure is. i don't know if i want to cure it.
the hallway of my office leading to clark, mike, and hai's desks, is long and narrow and the light casted from each individual light fixture casts a very specifically orange glow. when i walk down the hall i get vertigo and feel like i'm in a kubric movie. it's pretty cool. i made that walk so many times today because a) the forerunner 405 is a boss device and i will do anything i can do to play with it and b) ant agent bites.
i would like to take this opportunity to give kk a shout out. she's amazing and i rarely mention her. she is a stabilizing force in my live, and it makes me happy when she says "good morning, devon" to me everyday. can i get a hell yeah for kk?
i also would like to take this opportunity to say that a certain "boi" has made my heart super happy over the last ~4 weeks. i'm totally falling in love with myself (but not in a narcissistic way)
rock out!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
You threw away the book of rules, You thought that we should read it, I wouldn't even know how to
thats the kaiser chiefs, everything is average nowadays. it was my anthem the morning after i was politely asked to move out when i was uber sad. special thanks to marvin for dealing with emotionally unstable devon.
a lot has happened in the last ten days and i am again neglecting publicizing every boring detail of my life. i've actually spent very little time in front of my computer at all, and aaron frowns upon me taking a couple hours to blog from work. anyway. you get what you pay for.
two saturdays ago was the birthday celebration to end all birthday celebrations for aaron and michael. we had burgers at zeitgeist, and sang songs at the mint. i think we can all agree that zeitgeist rules, the burgers there are delicious, our friends are awesome, and nathan's sister is truly amazing. like, i think everyone fell in love with her that day. singing songs at the mint was a weird experience. it is here that i started blacking out for the evening. browning out actually, because a memory comes back to me here and there. please refer to pictures and videos to see how amazing of a performer that i am. why didn't shuvo sing anything? i think i fell down on a dance floor and he helped me up. can we all agree shuvo is a baller? it would be awesome to have a pad with him and sweet d, but he's, like, loyal or whatever. oh! i also discovered kelly is a badass this night. kelly is good at dancing and i'm fond of her, she should become a permanent member of our crew. the door guy at kilowatts knew who blake schwarzenbach was. and that made me happy i'm pretty sure.
marvin and i did go cars, this was awesome. we took many stereotypical couple pictures this day. i considered posting them on my facebook, but reconsidered due to nausea factor that might be felt by my friends.
tuesday was michael's birthday proper, and most of you are lame. uber loud shout outs to marvin, kelly, josh, and jason, who are michael's only real friends (plus me). we went to this weird barbeque place and sat there for a long time without ordering. this was josh's time to shine. he and marvin were comparing pictures of relative's babies on their cell phones. josh alerted us of an interested fact, while presenting the two images side by side. "look. it's the same thing." josh thinks all babies look the same. i have to say i agree. jason also presented his argument against us visiting brazil for spring break. he's scared he'll get kidnapped.
michael: what makes you think you're gonna get kidnapped?
jason: 'cause look at me.
on friday michael and i agreed to carpool to work and some how i was convinced to pull my car into his driveway. i take complete responsibility for this stupid decision though. as for those of you who don't know, i drive a dope ass, 2000, heavily modded mustang with a standard transmission. this means that it only has rear wheel drive and does not accelerate backwards. this also means that poor shaniqua (that's my car's name) does not do hills backward. thus, i had to pay $75 to have it pulled out of michael's driveway. bullshit. i should have just taken a ticket for parking in a two hour zone. also amusing.
i hate being in my house, it makes me panic. i want some xanex if i have to spend the next 42 days there. or you can invite me places.
marvinism of the week (there's some sexual insinuation here):
devon: eww. its really gooey.
marvin: as a web developer, i thought you would appreciate gui.
this made me laugh hysterically. mostly because marvin knows what a gui is.
a lot has happened in the last ten days and i am again neglecting publicizing every boring detail of my life. i've actually spent very little time in front of my computer at all, and aaron frowns upon me taking a couple hours to blog from work. anyway. you get what you pay for.
two saturdays ago was the birthday celebration to end all birthday celebrations for aaron and michael. we had burgers at zeitgeist, and sang songs at the mint. i think we can all agree that zeitgeist rules, the burgers there are delicious, our friends are awesome, and nathan's sister is truly amazing. like, i think everyone fell in love with her that day. singing songs at the mint was a weird experience. it is here that i started blacking out for the evening. browning out actually, because a memory comes back to me here and there. please refer to pictures and videos to see how amazing of a performer that i am. why didn't shuvo sing anything? i think i fell down on a dance floor and he helped me up. can we all agree shuvo is a baller? it would be awesome to have a pad with him and sweet d, but he's, like, loyal or whatever. oh! i also discovered kelly is a badass this night. kelly is good at dancing and i'm fond of her, she should become a permanent member of our crew. the door guy at kilowatts knew who blake schwarzenbach was. and that made me happy i'm pretty sure.
marvin and i did go cars, this was awesome. we took many stereotypical couple pictures this day. i considered posting them on my facebook, but reconsidered due to nausea factor that might be felt by my friends.
tuesday was michael's birthday proper, and most of you are lame. uber loud shout outs to marvin, kelly, josh, and jason, who are michael's only real friends (plus me). we went to this weird barbeque place and sat there for a long time without ordering. this was josh's time to shine. he and marvin were comparing pictures of relative's babies on their cell phones. josh alerted us of an interested fact, while presenting the two images side by side. "look. it's the same thing." josh thinks all babies look the same. i have to say i agree. jason also presented his argument against us visiting brazil for spring break. he's scared he'll get kidnapped.
michael: what makes you think you're gonna get kidnapped?
jason: 'cause look at me.
on friday michael and i agreed to carpool to work and some how i was convinced to pull my car into his driveway. i take complete responsibility for this stupid decision though. as for those of you who don't know, i drive a dope ass, 2000, heavily modded mustang with a standard transmission. this means that it only has rear wheel drive and does not accelerate backwards. this also means that poor shaniqua (that's my car's name) does not do hills backward. thus, i had to pay $75 to have it pulled out of michael's driveway. bullshit. i should have just taken a ticket for parking in a two hour zone. also amusing.
i hate being in my house, it makes me panic. i want some xanex if i have to spend the next 42 days there. or you can invite me places.
marvinism of the week (there's some sexual insinuation here):
devon: eww. its really gooey.
marvin: as a web developer, i thought you would appreciate gui.
this made me laugh hysterically. mostly because marvin knows what a gui is.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Somethin' filled up, my heart with nothin', someone told me not to cry.
that's arcade fire "wake up". you love arcade fire, and i love this song.
yesterday was our goodbye to carlo celebration. he's a sucker for leaving us but c'est la vie. anyway, i had one beer and i woke up feeling totally hung today, and shaky.
over the last couple of days, perhaps inspired by my nanny nanny boo boo comment from before, i've been calling jboss a cunt when it fucks me over or maven when some test fails, or continuum when it says the builds broken but no one committed anything. aaron sits pretty close to me on a normal day, but him and sweet d have been making some magic happen for the last few days on the other half of the soul mate corner (which totally sucks for sweet d, btw. she can't play at all) so aaron has been hearing my extreme profanities at my dang computer. me saying it a few times makes me say it more, and its a word that's starting to get introduced into my common vernacular, which is no good. people don't like the c word. anyway, last night at carlo's thingee, aaron pulled his chair a little bit closer to where me and sweet d were exchanging secrets that weren't secrets at all, and said, "devon. we've gotta' talk." i thought it was going to be about this stupid axm capitalization junk that i didn't document the struggle of between hai and jason and michael, but instead he said, "you've gotta stop with the *cunt* word." but he like mouthed it, he wouldn't actually say it properly. and i laughed hysterically. aaron is funny, but he is the boss, so i shall no longer say it. at work.
aaron also asked me what was up with me and marvin. i was initially surprised, because i don't expect those kinds of questions out of aaron, i expect questions about software and school, but not about my amazingly fast paced affair with my coworker's persian, jewish, comic, cousin. i was touched he even considered it, then i was super embarrassed. "how much does he know?" i asked myself. "has he talked to andrea? is she spreading rumors?" i apologized to 'drea last night, just to be sure that she would spread them no more.
OH! last night i went on a date with michael and sweet d and luke and 'drea. i felt left out, i felt lonely. we went to go see this movie about something i relate to that almost none of you know about and it filled me with tons of melancholy. i was jaded. i'm better today, because its birthday extravaganza day! you're totally getting my slightly used non functioning zune michael! the good news is, it doesn't have a charger anymore!
yesterday was our goodbye to carlo celebration. he's a sucker for leaving us but c'est la vie. anyway, i had one beer and i woke up feeling totally hung today, and shaky.
over the last couple of days, perhaps inspired by my nanny nanny boo boo comment from before, i've been calling jboss a cunt when it fucks me over or maven when some test fails, or continuum when it says the builds broken but no one committed anything. aaron sits pretty close to me on a normal day, but him and sweet d have been making some magic happen for the last few days on the other half of the soul mate corner (which totally sucks for sweet d, btw. she can't play at all) so aaron has been hearing my extreme profanities at my dang computer. me saying it a few times makes me say it more, and its a word that's starting to get introduced into my common vernacular, which is no good. people don't like the c word. anyway, last night at carlo's thingee, aaron pulled his chair a little bit closer to where me and sweet d were exchanging secrets that weren't secrets at all, and said, "devon. we've gotta' talk." i thought it was going to be about this stupid axm capitalization junk that i didn't document the struggle of between hai and jason and michael, but instead he said, "you've gotta stop with the *cunt* word." but he like mouthed it, he wouldn't actually say it properly. and i laughed hysterically. aaron is funny, but he is the boss, so i shall no longer say it. at work.
aaron also asked me what was up with me and marvin. i was initially surprised, because i don't expect those kinds of questions out of aaron, i expect questions about software and school, but not about my amazingly fast paced affair with my coworker's persian, jewish, comic, cousin. i was touched he even considered it, then i was super embarrassed. "how much does he know?" i asked myself. "has he talked to andrea? is she spreading rumors?" i apologized to 'drea last night, just to be sure that she would spread them no more.
OH! last night i went on a date with michael and sweet d and luke and 'drea. i felt left out, i felt lonely. we went to go see this movie about something i relate to that almost none of you know about and it filled me with tons of melancholy. i was jaded. i'm better today, because its birthday extravaganza day! you're totally getting my slightly used non functioning zune michael! the good news is, it doesn't have a charger anymore!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
f you were wrong then I was right and this will be the right time
another say anything lyric, this one "slowly, through a vector." i had to do a second one because i hadn't known nathan the last time. i discovered, whilst playing them during our tahoe fun times, and only upon nathan's declaration, that he evidently went to like guitar camp or something with the lead singer of this band? i thought that was double plus funny (thats a literature reference, can anyone guess it?) i dig say anything.
my infatuation resulting from overwhelming flower smells still resides.
so my car was ransacked again, but this time, the nice asshole who did this, locked my doors for me afterward. isn't that nice of him?
do you know whats lame, from a driver's point of view? people who are walking normally then, as they approach the crosswalk see their time to cross is quickly ending, so they pick up their pace and run into the intersection. then, once arrived and the light's turned red, they slow back down to their normal stroll and you're stuck missing your light watching them talk on their cell phone as they avoid making eye contact with you. in texas, we would just hit a person who did that, there are no laws protecting that person. can i get a hell yeah from any of my texas friends?
yesterday was a long boring day, michael went to the dentist in the morning, and when he's not there, i'm always a bit lonely. when he came back we had this discourse:
me: any cavities michael?
mike: no, no cavities! and i don't even brush!
me: (laughing)
mike: and i eat a lot of candy!
me: (laughing harder)
i went out to sushi with my ex, doug, last night. it was a lot more weird than going out for sushi with all of you. does anyone know the threshold length for weirdness with your exes?
my infatuation resulting from overwhelming flower smells still resides.
so my car was ransacked again, but this time, the nice asshole who did this, locked my doors for me afterward. isn't that nice of him?
do you know whats lame, from a driver's point of view? people who are walking normally then, as they approach the crosswalk see their time to cross is quickly ending, so they pick up their pace and run into the intersection. then, once arrived and the light's turned red, they slow back down to their normal stroll and you're stuck missing your light watching them talk on their cell phone as they avoid making eye contact with you. in texas, we would just hit a person who did that, there are no laws protecting that person. can i get a hell yeah from any of my texas friends?
yesterday was a long boring day, michael went to the dentist in the morning, and when he's not there, i'm always a bit lonely. when he came back we had this discourse:
me: any cavities michael?
mike: no, no cavities! and i don't even brush!
me: (laughing)
mike: and i eat a lot of candy!
me: (laughing harder)
i went out to sushi with my ex, doug, last night. it was a lot more weird than going out for sushi with all of you. does anyone know the threshold length for weirdness with your exes?
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Are your eyes showing off for mine?
ah. that's the fabulous editors, the song is bones, for somebody or something... anyway, they're coming next month and i want to go and have no one to go with. is anyone up for it?
today was a fabulous day. the rain was entirely entertaining against my window, and i actually managed to get a little bit of work done. when brad walked to the center of our mosh pit with a vase full of beautiful purple and white lilies, purple and green tulips, white chrysanthemums, and some weird purple alien flower no one knows about, everyone gathered at attention to play the "guess who got flowers game." my guess was sweet d, because she and luke are absolutely adorable and at the stage where i think he would send her flowers. plus she's making him dinner tonight, so the flowers would be a nice touch. btw, luke, and i don't think you read this, you totally should have sent sweet d some flowers. michael guessed jason, i suppose because he's such a stud. brad finally gave in and said they were for me, from my favorite jewish, persian, comedian in the whole wide world. consider me totally enamoured. also, consider me totally suspicious. the only time i've gotten flowers from a boi in the past has been when they've been very, very naughty. i have my suspicions that marvin is, in fact, laying out an extremely elaborate trap to totally break my heart because when we first met i called him a pussy. and just so that you know, i called him a pussy because he only would drink bottled water and because he couldn't drive the car up the hill. anyway, i think he's plotting his revenge which includes forcing me to fall for him so he can rip me to shreds. i look forward to it. my only hope is that he doesn't treat any of the other hoodrats he's sleeping with as nicely as he does me. :)
the day @ work ended sadly because my landlord asked if we could have a sit down meeting. i was certain my eviction was going to be decided from having so many people over and from my roommate getting pissed cause she had to clean poo up from the bathroom rug. it turns out though, we just have rats. fucking totally disgusting. michael, can i spend the night at your house?
today was a fabulous day. the rain was entirely entertaining against my window, and i actually managed to get a little bit of work done. when brad walked to the center of our mosh pit with a vase full of beautiful purple and white lilies, purple and green tulips, white chrysanthemums, and some weird purple alien flower no one knows about, everyone gathered at attention to play the "guess who got flowers game." my guess was sweet d, because she and luke are absolutely adorable and at the stage where i think he would send her flowers. plus she's making him dinner tonight, so the flowers would be a nice touch. btw, luke, and i don't think you read this, you totally should have sent sweet d some flowers. michael guessed jason, i suppose because he's such a stud. brad finally gave in and said they were for me, from my favorite jewish, persian, comedian in the whole wide world. consider me totally enamoured. also, consider me totally suspicious. the only time i've gotten flowers from a boi in the past has been when they've been very, very naughty. i have my suspicions that marvin is, in fact, laying out an extremely elaborate trap to totally break my heart because when we first met i called him a pussy. and just so that you know, i called him a pussy because he only would drink bottled water and because he couldn't drive the car up the hill. anyway, i think he's plotting his revenge which includes forcing me to fall for him so he can rip me to shreds. i look forward to it. my only hope is that he doesn't treat any of the other hoodrats he's sleeping with as nicely as he does me. :)
the day @ work ended sadly because my landlord asked if we could have a sit down meeting. i was certain my eviction was going to be decided from having so many people over and from my roommate getting pissed cause she had to clean poo up from the bathroom rug. it turns out though, we just have rats. fucking totally disgusting. michael, can i spend the night at your house?
Monday, January 7, 2008
A look can say a lot sometimes, And so I take all my past attractions and project on you.
so that is she wants revenge again, "written in blood." i heard this song on my pandora today, and though i have this album, i never listened to the words until today. so yeah, listen to the lyrics.
i have some things to say before i get into my santa cruz weekend. first, the safeway at church and market is full of f*ing freaks, like total crazies and i just don't know how to deal with them.
second, some guy hit me with his audi. i let him go though, because my car isn't in great shape. that is my good deed for the day.
third, i gave my roommate some flowers and an "i'm sorry that you had to clean up poo from some guy i dated off of the bathroom rug" card six days ago and she still hasn't talked to me about it. i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to find a new place to live.
and fourth, a very trusted algorithm has decided that shuvo and i are soul mates. the same algorithm who brought me angry perl developer guy, guy that my roommate said pood on our bathroom rug, and guy that eats bread covered in ketchup with a knife and fork. we'll probably get married and have 11 babies.
so my weekend with santa cruz was outstanding. a certain comedian knows how to play the romantic card pretty well, probably because he's a slut. he arranged for all of the power to be out in santa cruz and thus we had dinner in some swank ass establishment 100% by candle light with a very limited menu and a delicious bottle of wine. i was very smart to drive from sanfrancisco to santa cruz on friday during that gnarley storm, and i was also smart to drive from santa cruz to sausalito this morning so that i could make it to work.
we laughed a lot. to illustrate this fact i'm starting a new addition to this blog called marvinisms:
while we're sitting in total blacked out downtown santa cruz:
"you look ravishing in this car's emergency lights."
while having pseudo relationship discussion:
"well, it's like madonna says..." (following by loudly singing a madonna song).
while discussing alternative ways to have spent the weekend:
"you could have taught me about programming and i could have taught you how to be funny." i laughed at this one, but it stung. i'm pretty sure i'm funny and marvin is just jealous.
while discussing honesty:
"the truth will set you free and complete freedom is truth.....
i just made that up, does it sound good?"
i laughed obnoxiously at that last one in a quiet restaurant over a $50 bottle of wine. classy.
it seems michael also has some marvisms. perhaps they're actually persian-jewisms, or maybe its just because they're related or something, like binaisms or something. while discussing flying a kite on the beach when there's lightening:
"didn't you ever listen to albert edison?" this was supposed to be a lesson for me i think... instead he and i just laughed for a solid five minutes.
this next one is less funny if you're not me or michael, while talking about women's shoes:
"i like it when a girl wears thongs."
everyone pick out good presents for michael's quarter of a century celebration extravaganza!
i have some things to say before i get into my santa cruz weekend. first, the safeway at church and market is full of f*ing freaks, like total crazies and i just don't know how to deal with them.
second, some guy hit me with his audi. i let him go though, because my car isn't in great shape. that is my good deed for the day.
third, i gave my roommate some flowers and an "i'm sorry that you had to clean up poo from some guy i dated off of the bathroom rug" card six days ago and she still hasn't talked to me about it. i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to find a new place to live.
and fourth, a very trusted algorithm has decided that shuvo and i are soul mates. the same algorithm who brought me angry perl developer guy, guy that my roommate said pood on our bathroom rug, and guy that eats bread covered in ketchup with a knife and fork. we'll probably get married and have 11 babies.
so my weekend with santa cruz was outstanding. a certain comedian knows how to play the romantic card pretty well, probably because he's a slut. he arranged for all of the power to be out in santa cruz and thus we had dinner in some swank ass establishment 100% by candle light with a very limited menu and a delicious bottle of wine. i was very smart to drive from sanfrancisco to santa cruz on friday during that gnarley storm, and i was also smart to drive from santa cruz to sausalito this morning so that i could make it to work.
we laughed a lot. to illustrate this fact i'm starting a new addition to this blog called marvinisms:
while we're sitting in total blacked out downtown santa cruz:
"you look ravishing in this car's emergency lights."
while having pseudo relationship discussion:
"well, it's like madonna says..." (following by loudly singing a madonna song).
while discussing alternative ways to have spent the weekend:
"you could have taught me about programming and i could have taught you how to be funny." i laughed at this one, but it stung. i'm pretty sure i'm funny and marvin is just jealous.
while discussing honesty:
"the truth will set you free and complete freedom is truth.....
i just made that up, does it sound good?"
i laughed obnoxiously at that last one in a quiet restaurant over a $50 bottle of wine. classy.
it seems michael also has some marvisms. perhaps they're actually persian-jewisms, or maybe its just because they're related or something, like binaisms or something. while discussing flying a kite on the beach when there's lightening:
"didn't you ever listen to albert edison?" this was supposed to be a lesson for me i think... instead he and i just laughed for a solid five minutes.
this next one is less funny if you're not me or michael, while talking about women's shoes:
"i like it when a girl wears thongs."
everyone pick out good presents for michael's quarter of a century celebration extravaganza!
Friday, January 4, 2008
the nights are cold, and i remember warmth
so that's the microphones. you'll probably hate them.
all my notes for the day washed away down the drain, so please bare with a potentially boring blog...
first, its rolling thunder in sf right now and its amazing. if i could spend this whole day under the sheets i would. i have said it before and it deserves re-emphasis, i'm absolutely enchanted and in love with san francisco.
my bruises from jason kicking my ass and from falling down the stairs are healing nicely, but not to the degree that i should go on a rain hike with marvin, i don't think. shuvo, if you're out there, please give me the wisdom to make the right decision about this rain hike in the woods.
my phone sucks. its nice as a pda (windows aside) but as a phone, it totally sucks and i can never hear anything that anyone is saying. the ui is unintuitive too. *sigh* i hate it.
i've recently discovered that dating a comedian means your jokes always pale in comparison. if i don't get a laugh soon, i might die.
yesterday at work, i was trying to assist aarthi in her gnarley hand burn she got from the soup at mollie's and i caught my ankle on her stupid chair mat. it hurt like shit, and i exclaimed "son of a cunt fuck," and no one even turned to look at me. i did, though, promptly alert michael of this anomaly, which he responded with calling me a cunt which got him in trouble. is anyone familiar with the phrase "nanny nanny boo boo?"
anyway, sans blog and in santa cruz for the weekend. hopefully with something funny to bring back with me.
all my notes for the day washed away down the drain, so please bare with a potentially boring blog...
first, its rolling thunder in sf right now and its amazing. if i could spend this whole day under the sheets i would. i have said it before and it deserves re-emphasis, i'm absolutely enchanted and in love with san francisco.
my bruises from jason kicking my ass and from falling down the stairs are healing nicely, but not to the degree that i should go on a rain hike with marvin, i don't think. shuvo, if you're out there, please give me the wisdom to make the right decision about this rain hike in the woods.
my phone sucks. its nice as a pda (windows aside) but as a phone, it totally sucks and i can never hear anything that anyone is saying. the ui is unintuitive too. *sigh* i hate it.
i've recently discovered that dating a comedian means your jokes always pale in comparison. if i don't get a laugh soon, i might die.
yesterday at work, i was trying to assist aarthi in her gnarley hand burn she got from the soup at mollie's and i caught my ankle on her stupid chair mat. it hurt like shit, and i exclaimed "son of a cunt fuck," and no one even turned to look at me. i did, though, promptly alert michael of this anomaly, which he responded with calling me a cunt which got him in trouble. is anyone familiar with the phrase "nanny nanny boo boo?"
anyway, sans blog and in santa cruz for the weekend. hopefully with something funny to bring back with me.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
We go out in stormy weather, We rarely practice discern, We make love to some with sin, We seek out the taciturn
everyone knows that's spoon. listen to spoon. they're great.
here comes a big one:
i'd like to start off by saying that josh is officially the best hugger on earth and drea's a total badass. michael also said that i wasn't to mention any village bicycles or any cooters that were finger banged in the hot tub. just everyone know that they were there.
notch number one for someone, and i found out my favorite persian was a slut who, under the influence of excessive red bull and vodkas, will remove all the water from the hot tub and yell at the top of his lungs by himself. it happens. sweet d won "that's what she said" with "that was the best three inches of my life." michael insisted that he didn't partake in after hours pizza time and was pissed that he didn't get any of the leftovers, but i'm certain he's a liar, and i can prove it here.
we also, if you remember, and i hardly do, waited outside for a cab in some deserted neighborhood like we would catch one any second, as we might if we were in sf. this is about when sweet d began telling everyone how much she loves them. seriously though. the snow ball fight was the bomb awesome, thanks to j for plotting against everyone else with me. i do not though, appreciate the snow ball that hit the back of my head shortly after i fell down. reciprocity can be a bitch, persian.
this is the night that i also realized two things. a) i don't know how to deal with drama or girls crying. b)nathan is not a cuddler.
i think some people went skiing. i think some others waked, baked, and went on a absurdly long walk to what could maybe be described as "downtown stateline". my friends showed up, and everyone loved them, we could all tell from the screams echoing through the staircase all night long. we also went to a party where four of us wore stripes. i think this went unappreciated. also, let it be known that people from northwestern or apple or where ever, don't stand a chance at flip cup against us. we were just having a bad night.
i think i opted for laying in bed and making out over sledding. this makes me sad when i see the photos. please, friends. fill in this gap, because my story isn't entertaining. everyone got back, though, and suddenly very rowdy. the hot tub was awesome, thanks for forcing me in, but my dear friend nicole was definitely the superstar of the night. her friend randy was a close second. i'm really glad none of us got pushed into a fire. maybe it's because we're all republican yuppies who don't live in sf. oh! lets play bones again!
again, opted out of skiing for make out sessions, which was a bad mistake on my part because i tumbled down the stairs like a weirdo klutz. i did something to myself. it hurt, and now its swollen and black. i didn't cry though, ask anyone who was there. i would like for everyone to know though, that this is about the point where i realized that shuvo was a mother fucking badass. and i didn't even know he had discovered a species of dinosaur at this point. all i knew was, he took off my shoes, dressed my wounds, wrapped me up, put on socks and boots and took care of me for the remainder of the weekend.
i'd have to say though, this is by far the most anticlimactic new years of my life. seriously, they couldn't have done some fireworks or dropped something or flashed some lights or even sponsored some sort of official count down? bunk. i loved all of you at that moment though. and then we laughed at fools fighting in the street.
this is also when i decided, j, that it's appropriate for me to take back all the times i said that you were not getting any from the ladies. it is clear to me now that you're a badass, and it's no longer important for me to help you at the bars.
i think i must have gone to bed early, because everyone just told me about the screaming coming from the room downstairs, i never actually heard it for myself.
farewell. i woke up this morning spooned between two persian men, and i have to suggest to all that might not have had it, the persian sandwich is possibly one of the most awesome things in the world. we all got small and loving presents that nicole left behind for us, and when michael cut his finger, shuvo was well prepared with a sesame street bandaid from his wallet. respect, shuvo. respect.
all in all, i'd say it was a miserable time and i hope to never see any of you again.
here comes a big one:
i'd like to start off by saying that josh is officially the best hugger on earth and drea's a total badass. michael also said that i wasn't to mention any village bicycles or any cooters that were finger banged in the hot tub. just everyone know that they were there.
notch number one for someone, and i found out my favorite persian was a slut who, under the influence of excessive red bull and vodkas, will remove all the water from the hot tub and yell at the top of his lungs by himself. it happens. sweet d won "that's what she said" with "that was the best three inches of my life." michael insisted that he didn't partake in after hours pizza time and was pissed that he didn't get any of the leftovers, but i'm certain he's a liar, and i can prove it here.
we also, if you remember, and i hardly do, waited outside for a cab in some deserted neighborhood like we would catch one any second, as we might if we were in sf. this is about when sweet d began telling everyone how much she loves them. seriously though. the snow ball fight was the bomb awesome, thanks to j for plotting against everyone else with me. i do not though, appreciate the snow ball that hit the back of my head shortly after i fell down. reciprocity can be a bitch, persian.
this is the night that i also realized two things. a) i don't know how to deal with drama or girls crying. b)nathan is not a cuddler.
i think some people went skiing. i think some others waked, baked, and went on a absurdly long walk to what could maybe be described as "downtown stateline". my friends showed up, and everyone loved them, we could all tell from the screams echoing through the staircase all night long. we also went to a party where four of us wore stripes. i think this went unappreciated. also, let it be known that people from northwestern or apple or where ever, don't stand a chance at flip cup against us. we were just having a bad night.
i think i opted for laying in bed and making out over sledding. this makes me sad when i see the photos. please, friends. fill in this gap, because my story isn't entertaining. everyone got back, though, and suddenly very rowdy. the hot tub was awesome, thanks for forcing me in, but my dear friend nicole was definitely the superstar of the night. her friend randy was a close second. i'm really glad none of us got pushed into a fire. maybe it's because we're all republican yuppies who don't live in sf. oh! lets play bones again!
again, opted out of skiing for make out sessions, which was a bad mistake on my part because i tumbled down the stairs like a weirdo klutz. i did something to myself. it hurt, and now its swollen and black. i didn't cry though, ask anyone who was there. i would like for everyone to know though, that this is about the point where i realized that shuvo was a mother fucking badass. and i didn't even know he had discovered a species of dinosaur at this point. all i knew was, he took off my shoes, dressed my wounds, wrapped me up, put on socks and boots and took care of me for the remainder of the weekend.
i'd have to say though, this is by far the most anticlimactic new years of my life. seriously, they couldn't have done some fireworks or dropped something or flashed some lights or even sponsored some sort of official count down? bunk. i loved all of you at that moment though. and then we laughed at fools fighting in the street.
this is also when i decided, j, that it's appropriate for me to take back all the times i said that you were not getting any from the ladies. it is clear to me now that you're a badass, and it's no longer important for me to help you at the bars.
i think i must have gone to bed early, because everyone just told me about the screaming coming from the room downstairs, i never actually heard it for myself.
farewell. i woke up this morning spooned between two persian men, and i have to suggest to all that might not have had it, the persian sandwich is possibly one of the most awesome things in the world. we all got small and loving presents that nicole left behind for us, and when michael cut his finger, shuvo was well prepared with a sesame street bandaid from his wallet. respect, shuvo. respect.
all in all, i'd say it was a miserable time and i hope to never see any of you again.
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