Thursday, January 10, 2008

f you were wrong then I was right and this will be the right time

another say anything lyric, this one "slowly, through a vector." i had to do a second one because i hadn't known nathan the last time. i discovered, whilst playing them during our tahoe fun times, and only upon nathan's declaration, that he evidently went to like guitar camp or something with the lead singer of this band? i thought that was double plus funny (thats a literature reference, can anyone guess it?) i dig say anything.

my infatuation resulting from overwhelming flower smells still resides.

so my car was ransacked again, but this time, the nice asshole who did this, locked my doors for me afterward. isn't that nice of him?
do you know whats lame, from a driver's point of view? people who are walking normally then, as they approach the crosswalk see their time to cross is quickly ending, so they pick up their pace and run into the intersection. then, once arrived and the light's turned red, they slow back down to their normal stroll and you're stuck missing your light watching them talk on their cell phone as they avoid making eye contact with you. in texas, we would just hit a person who did that, there are no laws protecting that person. can i get a hell yeah from any of my texas friends?
yesterday was a long boring day, michael went to the dentist in the morning, and when he's not there, i'm always a bit lonely. when he came back we had this discourse:
me: any cavities michael?
mike: no, no cavities! and i don't even brush!
me: (laughing)
mike: and i eat a lot of candy!
me: (laughing harder)

i went out to sushi with my ex, doug, last night. it was a lot more weird than going out for sushi with all of you. does anyone know the threshold length for weirdness with your exes?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Somebody is keeping you occupied. You have not posted all week.

Missed you at the office today.