Monday, October 12, 2009

so in tune were we by the thought of what could never be

late of the pier - the bears are coming this band makes me want to move. michael made me listen some months back and i've been sold since. but this lyric, in particular, makes me laugh on behalf of relationships. we get so lost, when we're in the moment, in thinking our experiences are unique when they're not. sometimes its hard for me to remember that i've already lived this stress and drama of budding romances and other romances lost. and it turns out i survived. must just say to my silly brain "shut up and enjoy the ride."

on the list of 17 reasons why diana is more awesome than you: 3) she doesn't believe in trees (that one's for you keegan) & 4) she'd rather shop for new clothes instead of washing the ones she already has (me too sweet dee, meeeee toooooo)

last thursday was carbombs at kilowatts night. jason and i left work early and drank beer at a bus stop whilst waiting for the 14 to carry us to zeitgeist where we were to meet tanya, her friend giancarlo, and zeb for 'happy hour.' jason was concerned that it was going to be an early night and that no one would meet us and we'd be in bed early. turns out he was wrong. over the course of the next several hours shandy, matt, diana, keegan, prachi & friend showed up. we made friends with strangers that called jason and me 'the garm' and bought us tequila shots. i think i was at my absolute best this particular evening. an all time high one might say. i can tell because i just watched a video i don't remember being recorded, and i remember little to nothing about being at puerto alegre. i think i have thoroughly apologized to everyone, but if i missed you, and i was awful to you, i am so so sorry. we never made it to kilowatts for carbombs and we were all in bed by eleven, so i guess maybe jason was a little right.

last night, on our way back up to the city, i was telling matt about the story of my friend joe w.'s visit to san francisco and attendance of ben's housewarming barbeque. my favorite quote of that night was "i've never tried hummus before, it's jew food right?" (or some permutation thereof) i also don't think i'll ever forget the mortified look on jenette's face as he kept going back in to ben, a stranger's, kitchen and making more and more and more plates of food. oi vey was that whole scene drama ^theMax. i only bring this up because some of my friends from that suburb that i have been friends with for literally decades have removed me as a friend residually. because of how "awfully" i treated joe w. jesus. small town bullshit drama. thank god i got out of texas whilst i could (no offense friends that still live there, it just wasn't *my* scene)

i got a pretty amazing haircut last week. i'm really stoked about it. see shannon @ hair of the gods on fell if you're interested in a similar experience. i spelled loose wrong on yelp. dang, i'm an idiot.


Monday, October 5, 2009

there goes another one of our surefire plans; it backfired again

ain't that the truth? mutemath: backfire. please listen to it, i'm really excited about this show. perhaps its been too long since i've seen a *good* band play...

if you know me, you know i'm a planner and an organizer and i've even been called a controller, but i usually have the people who say such things killed. i'm trying to abandon that notion i think, 'cause when the plans fall through its all angry faces, and i don't want any angry faces any more...

mat's lecturing me about fork. i'm not even arguing with him, but i think he's mad at me. i feel like i'm always getting yelled at by linux/unix/systems guys. wtf.

so this last weekend eric and justin came to visit. it was a friday night call requesting a place to stay so they could go to all the city festivals this last weekend (that i mostly missed, dang) including, but not limited to lovefest, oktoberfest, hardly strictly legal bluegrass, and the sand castle building contest :-) i love it when eric and justin come to town. i can always count on laughing until i almost pee my pants. i bring this up because when eric walked in the door he had a suspicious brown paper bag and shifty eyes. he placed the bag in the freezer. when he left, he didn't take the paper bag with him, and i think i can speak for the entire F.S.D. when i say when i am terrified to look at what's inside of that bag. i texted him and i said "hey, did you leave something in the freezer" he replied "yep." that's it. god i love eric.

i think i might have told this story to a sect of my crew, but matt and i went to place pigalle on friday night. if you've lived with me, you'll know i typically protest going to that bar, sure its a half block away, but for some reason it rubs me the wrong way. i think its because in my brain, bars have vodka. who knows. nonetheless, matt and i are sitting there and this girl pops out of the back little room and says something about needing small bills and being out of a bunch of beer or something and i say "holy shit. i know that girl. her name is lindsay and i knew her when i was in highschool on maui." and so i walk up to the bar and i'm all "is your name lindsey katz?" and she doesn't recognize me at first, probably because i was infinity times more punk rock then, and a bit smaller, but then i'm like "your mom lived a few buildings down from my dad in kihei" and she goes "holy shit! we used to take showers together" and i laughed. and she laughed. and matt laughed. turns out she's worked there four years but i'm such a pooper about going there, i never noticed. san francisco is a fucking rad city to run into someone you used to hang with on maui. yah. anyway, go to place pigalle and spend all your money.

tuesdays are F.S.D I-Know-An-Album-You-Don't-Know night. Diana, Shandy and I take turns making dinner for the group and playing an album that meets a few criteria: 1) album is hopefully never heard by the other two members of the house 2) you like the album 3) you think the other two members of the house would *like* to hear the album that you present. we invented this night whilst in the swimming pool in costa rica, and i might say that the experiment has finished it's first iteration and its going quite well. i apologize to sweet dee for pooping on two of her band choices (actually they're just two bands i already know and love) Prachi and Matt have also joined us on these occasions and yous guys are all welcomed. its good for roommate bonding. dee's final choice, fila brazillia had a lot of beep beep boop boops and we all envisioned the music videos that would accompany the songs. it was rad.

i set the alarm off at work today. i'm not sure why i can't respond well to lights blinking and alarms sounding, but its hard for me to remember my top secret pass code when this happens. does anyone have advice? i'll take it, please & thank you.


let's just say that i might be a sucker for progress...

i tried to find a video or mp3 link. i think i'm going to start doing that now. but that's mutemath, armistice. its mutemath week. i'm so into this band right now. i mean, the lyrics leave much to be desired often, but the music rocks my lame ass. would you call mutemath math rock? we're going to see them at the fillmore on friday. buy tickets here and come with us to rock out the day before tb's birthday. because everyone involved kicks ass.
also, i know with the widespread reach of this blog one of you has got to have an industrial design position, or know someone who does. please share.
i am contractually obliged to continue on my 17 part series about diana chow. #2) she drinks whiskey with the bois.
i think i'm supposed to say something about costa rica too. for those that don't know, mat, justine, kk, jason, annie, diana, luke, shandy, tanya, & i went to costa rica for my 28th. the trip was amazing, i was drunk and wet 80% of every day, we called it 'soaking man.' just like burning man, except more bugs and rain & less stinky hippies. i found that the trip was really good for me 'cause i fell in love with my friends again and i think i needed that. i plan on baking them all cookies and sending out loverly thank you notes. the only problem with that is that i love procrastination.
following the trip, san francisco has been kicking my ass. i vowed to play more, Q.O.A. style, remnant late 2007 evenings with dee, michael, and jason, but sometime between point a and point b sf started taking off more of its clothes...
seriously, the weather has been spectacular and the "high class problem" of constantly having too many choices of something to do is putting stress on my nerves i think. folsom street fair this year seemed to be quite a bit raunchier than in years passed. its probably because of the bird's eye view from the porn star party balcony where we had beads to adorn passing exhibitionists. its amazing what people will do for either a cheap plastic string of beads or a view of jason's cock.
BUT! at the same time, i feel like there were far less boobs to be seen at lovefest/loveparade/lovelution (seriously, decide on a fucking name). is this because it was so packed it was hard to see the boobs, or because people are concerned about sun exposure to the boobs? hard to say. shandy and i came up with a good idea next year for those who can't handle shitty house music. we will have synchronized playlists and wear headphones. dance to that. no one will notice. i like being in the sun with the people and dancing, i just don't want to listen to their shitty music is all.
yah. i also think that sf is desensitizing me to sex.
also, keep hanging around my neighborhood, friends, so that when i go out and do things we can run into eachother and chat like sf hipsters. i feel like this most embodies my inner child's idea of being a grown up.
also, i just found out syntithesis isn't a word, but i've been using it for like ten years. how come no one's corrected me? you've probably all just been laughing at me this whole time, huh? i knew i should have gone to college....

Monday, May 18, 2009

We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.

mgmt is like one of my top five fav bands right now. that song is about how living for the moment is better than following the typical paths, called "time to pretend." its fun.
its hard to decide on the correct temperature for a bath when you're sunburned but it's cold outside. i decided on hot until it turned cold. fuck you sunburn. i keep saying i'm immune, but my skin always has to make a liar/fool out of me. whatev.
so our house is now called "the fell street Dancery -- no dancing allowed." please refer to it by its proper christian name from now on, thank you. if you would like to know why its called that, then you have to come to our house and see.
overall, i'd say its been a fabulous weekend. saturday, shandy and i, committed to the taffy puller cause, went to fantastico to find supplies. fantastico is one of the seven best things on earth. probably one bazillion square feet of anything you can imagine. i swear to you, there was a fifty foot isle, fifteen feet high, dedicated to miniature hats and ribbon. i dare you to question me. we found supplies for costumes and for what later turned out to be roommate bonding time. three engineers built something that reposefully circumvolves so well, only three engineers could have built it. you don't get that joke 'cause you don't live with me. but if you come to my house i'll tells ya' all about it...
yesterday was bay to breakers! thats the reason why you live in san francisco, suckers. if you can't drag yourself out of bed for ten minutes to see a parade of fun times that will walk no more than three point five miles by your house ( yeah i did that math. thats the radius of sf) than you are a lazy sucker who deserves to live in san jose. so move out and lower my rent. andrea & brad and their crew, and larry & grant, plus diana, shandy, and i had some early beverages then embarked on our journey. jesus, yesterday was so hot. i sweated off my face sunscreen. i broke my costume literally thirty feet outside of my house. tug-o-war was a bust. BUT rope was excellent at keeping us together + limbo time + JUMP ROPE! ^ max. jump rope is the best way to pick up cute chicks at b2b. people love jump rope, and i had no idea about this. please see photos for more infos.
but this brings me to a new segment of this blog that i'd like to call "17 reasons that diana chow is better than you". number one, you might have guessed, is she can spin the rope for you to jump, and jump in it at the same time. i had no idea about this girl's jump ropin skills. in a skirt, wig, crocks, and holding a purse, no less. skills. put it on your resume chicka!
i got pretty wasted. i also refused to drink water on account of needing the room in my bladder for booze. what i remembered was it that when i started drinking water last year i had to pee, and that sucked. so this year, i didn't want to pee so i didn't drink water. bad choice, devo. whilst waiting for the n i had a run in with tunnel vision and some dragons spitting fire. thank goodness for my shandy. he's like the best baby sitter ever. from now on you have brother status. please expect me in your wedding photos.
when i got home the shampoo in my shampoo bottle was hot, like slightly scalding to the touch, and i'm pretty sure it should be illegal for the world to be that hot. so i'm working on some legislation. hoping those years of student congress pay off (that's for you fellwock)
time to be restin my sore jump rope swingin arms.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I can't come around down here, not with you, and i won't be coming here again

...(i can't stand the pain) frank black has got to be one of the greatest song writers of all time. i know a lot of people think the pixies are all cheese, but his solo stuff, and the stuff with the catholics, is reeeeeal good. that song is called "out of state" and i beg of you to look it up and listen to it. maybe then you'll understand...
so i woke up in better spirits this morning that in many many mornings past. there are possibly many things that led to these good spirits. for one, i went to bed at like 9:30 on a friday night. i'm sorry, michael, that i didn't come to candy committee, but sometimes, a girl just wants to be depressed in her room. and when i woke up this morning i said to myself "yeah i went to bed at 9:30 on a friday, what of it?" and that was kinda' refreshing, not to be held accountable to someone cause i was sad and i didn't want to go out. its hard to explain, but its refreshing. its also nice to wake up in the most awesome city on earth in a badass apartment and knowing that i created this reality my own self.
so i dance.
tanya left. i'm sad 'cause she's rad.
don't you find it weird that you can listen to a band or an album that you discovered when you were in a certain period of your life, and it puts you right back in that place? the french kicks always remind me of those few months i lived in san jose. san jose sucks. people that wish they could live in san francisco but can't so they brag about how they're one of the 10 largest cities in the us. san jose sucks. yucky. worse than oakland. :-)
today is last minute prep for bay to breakers day. i am going to by the thickist piece of 20 foot rope i can find in this great city. i also plan on aquiring a whistle and chalk. join our fun if you want to find out why. (its for tug of war!) b2b passes by in front of diana, shandy and my house, so we're hosting the six thirty am pre party tomorrow morning if you want a mimosa. my treat. i don't imagine that the rope aquisition should take long so please call me if you wanna play. i'm already bored and i don't want to sink low today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

they fall in love with the girl they perceive (not you)

if you know me, you know i've been pretty miserable. i'm sure i've been pretty miserable to be around too. turns out, i don't care that much though. maybe i will next week. i'm sorry until then.
so i was on approximately my 45th minute in the cold bathtub just now, singing that song, "sunshine" by samiam on the top of my lungs, and it occurred to me i should blog again. maybe its passe, i dunno. if you can't say everything about your life in one sentence or less no one wants to know whats happening anymore. i wonder if anyone even still subscribes to this guy? whatev. this blog started off as my attempt to get over the gut wrenching bullshit a break up causes, and i know it ended up being the funny tales of dates gone bad, but for now, i wallow. laughs to come later. i also listen to pussy music. i thank you in advance for your guitar-soloist-singer-song-writer-emo recomendations.
i wonder if diana can hear me singing at the top of my lungs in the tub.
duuud. there are ants everywhere. whats going on.
so here are the two most exciting things that have happened to me in order of excitement
1) joe announced there was one ip address in the office eating up all the bandwidth and we all ran around trying to figure out which one ended in 23. it was more climactic than we that when it turned out to michael's old mac. a bit torrenting parting gift?
2) i cleaned my room
some other high lights include, but are not limited to finding a parking spot immediatly like right in front of my house, setting off the alarm in the office (but i knew the secret password), and gaining the knowledge of how to detect just ie7 via javascript.
i think work is pretty much the only thing that's kept me from the ledge lately. i love work. but i hate programming at home lately. so i don't know if im actually that interested in our product, or if its the puppy thats in the office every day of the week. <3>