Friday, November 23, 2007

i tried to drink you off my mind, i just got wasted

That's jawbreaker lyrics. seriously. jawbreaker is quite possibly the best band that ever existed. you should check them out, if you even read these sorts of things.

writing is therapy. sweet sweet therapy. and i can dig it, even with out an face! better without an audience, because then i don't have to look back and say, dang! there's a dangling modifier! someone's going to notice that and think badly of me! so there. don't read my blog. i like it that way.

anyway. having a cold makes my life super boring. last week i was a cry baby and cursing the world and hating college transfers and ex boyfriends and new jobs and apartment hunting. my last two days have just been boring where i'm twiddling my thumbs begging for something surprising to surprise me! where are you some-surprising-something-or-another? i want to play. going outside makes me a little dizzy though...perhaps an indoor activity? oh! i should go to the movies! that's an out of the house low impact activity. i'm perplexed with the inability to find something interesting to type about.

here's something. my brother and his new fabulous wife are pregnant. I'm super stoked about this because I will get a niece or nephew out if it to spoil, but at the same time, i feel my family is dwindling and my phone calls from him will be less and less. and my time spent with him will be less and less. and that is disappointing. i love him. and the rest of my family sucks. seriously, its a chore with them, my mother is a psychopath, my father is invisible, and the extended family is like drama/guilt trip central. perhaps it is time for me to court a man and get fat and pregnant. yes. perhaps it is time...

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