Saturday, November 24, 2007

On the big screen with my big dreams

the gloria record, a spinoff of a little band you might love called mineral. mineral's awesome. the gloria record can be sappy. all in all, a good listen.

Today I went to go see the Darjeeling Limited. It was amazing and anyone who says otherwise is no friend of mine. Wes Anderson, and I'm not just saying this for Houston pride, is quite possible the best independent director and writer of his generation. This flick was so aesthetically pleasing, I felt warm and fuzzy the whole way through. BUT i have a gripe. That movie was hilarious, I was ticked every couple of minutes are so, but everyone else, minus my movie companion, just didn't get it or had no sense of humor. That was disappointing for me. I wanted to shout at them, and scold them for their poor audience performance. What if Wes had decided to sneak a peak in the back of our San Francisco theater and get a feel for the SF matinee crowd? His feelings would have been hurt. Or perhaps he will dumb down his future writings to please the masses. More toilet jokes for the crowds. That always gets a chuckle.
In case you were there Wes, your movie was fabulous. And I think my laughter was loud enough for all seven of us anyway.

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