Sunday, January 27, 2008

But I was born to lose my breath

that's my bloody valentine. if you're into such things, you should hump to this album. and then fall asleep spooning. yeah. anyway, i've been finding myself losing my breath a lot lately. and i relate to this whole song when i hear it.
i have to start off by saying that i'm blogging at ten pm when i should be fucking rocking out to poison the well at slims. BUT drea was.... um... holding my beer... for me.. or whatever, and this crazy chick with blue eyebrows came up and made us leave. then she like, lectured us like we were seven and drew big blue xs on our hands and kicked us out. seriously. fuck you blue eyebrowed chick. i've been looking forward to this show forever and you're a stupid bitch. i was so steamed i pouted my way home, and now, here i am. alone in my room on a sunday night. lame.
i lost my calculus book, i'm wicked pissed about it. if you find it please give it back. i need it to be a good student.
as you all might know, i drove down to santa cruz on friday to hang out with this guy i've been crushin' on. he's pretty cool. we kissed a couple of times, had some food, and rode the roller coaster. we also laughed a lot, he's a funny guy. i really like him. he said some funny marvinisms and told me to write them in this little book *but* claimed to have lost the page with the funny marvinisms written down in it. so now i don't know what they were. and i don't want to misquote because it takes away the magic. please find the paper, marvin.
you know what sucks? rejection sucks. getting asked politely to move out of your house. breaking up with bois. getting kicked out of shows. all that stuff sucks. it makes you feel like you're not that special because you're going to be easily replaced. no one wants to feel easily replaceable. i'm special. this is a fact. fuck you rejectors

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