Monday, January 21, 2008

Laugh along with the common people, Laugh along although they're laughing at you

that's pulp "common people" though william shatner and ben folds do a boss cover of it.

so my roommate situation is becoming intolerable. luckily sweet d and i are meeting up with two awesome dudes we think could be a great fit into our situation in about an hour for dinner and laid back interview. i'll tag them and name them if we decide they're dope enough to live with us.
i've noticed a substantial californiazation of my vernacular as of recent. words such as "sick", "dope", "boss", and "dudes" have been added to my vocabulary and its quite scary for a texan such as me. i don't know what the cure is. i don't know if i want to cure it.
the hallway of my office leading to clark, mike, and hai's desks, is long and narrow and the light casted from each individual light fixture casts a very specifically orange glow. when i walk down the hall i get vertigo and feel like i'm in a kubric movie. it's pretty cool. i made that walk so many times today because a) the forerunner 405 is a boss device and i will do anything i can do to play with it and b) ant agent bites.
i would like to take this opportunity to give kk a shout out. she's amazing and i rarely mention her. she is a stabilizing force in my live, and it makes me happy when she says "good morning, devon" to me everyday. can i get a hell yeah for kk?
i also would like to take this opportunity to say that a certain "boi" has made my heart super happy over the last ~4 weeks. i'm totally falling in love with myself (but not in a narcissistic way)
rock out!

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