Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the fact of the matter is we need a new horizon to free our minds

i just found this album! i loved it ten years ago, seriously loved it. all systems go! and the song is all i want. listen to it if you find it. its an anthem. 'cause all i really want is everything until the end of time.
i was quoted today as saying that today was a 9.7 on all days of total happiness. seriously, i had to be leaking it all over everyone around me. i loved life and my peers today and laughing was a natural side effect. shout out today goes to bobby for helping me selflessly through a problem solved by jason in about three seconds. the good news i can still hot deploy! but only for one more day.
i never thought, if you would have asked me one month ago, after marvin's fabulous display of drunken debauchery, throwing water out of the hot tub and making lewd gestures at drea and i, that i would be planning how we would spend valentines day together. (that was a long sentence) its been a great month though. a very public thank you to marvin for being a totally awesome bloke who keeps me pretty happy.
aaron engaged me in conversation a bit today. he commented on how great it must have been to grow up in a state that kills two times more people a year than all the other states combined. he didn't even know that i grew up less than an hour and half outside of huntsville, the government sponsored murder capital of the world. i don't want to get political on here, because politics aren't funny, but i just want to start a new section here called aaronisms. there is an ongoing list i have to find somewhere.
1. you know, i kinda' miss the electric chair.
kk and i hunted through the corporate swag (stuff we all get) from corp for the college recruits. i got some sweet chapstick and an awesome mechanical pencil, which, if you read my blog, you know i've been praying for. sweet d said "didn't g@rm!n save your life?" and i have to say, they really did. best decision i ever made was to pass up higher paying start up job in the city for this amazing team.
michael, jason and i went to an sf beta mixer tonight, which was a total sausage fest. i think, becoming a female software engineer in the valley was the best decision i ever made for my "personal" life.

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