Friday, December 21, 2007

An accidental charm. A graceful drinking arm. Disarming.

JAWBREAKER. *hearts and affection from devon*

so. i had fully intended on coming home and blogging all about my evening fun times, because drunken blogs are like, the fucking greatest. but instead i came home and somehow ended up in a lengthy debate with benjy about the merits of java and it's comparison to perl. ( i feel confident that benjy will never read this blog, so i've decided it's okay to use his name ) perl's great and all, but seriously, without getting nerdy on my blog, it can't compare to seven or eight languages working together. the world can't exist on perl and javascript. i don't think my argument was well constructed last night though, so benjy thought he had the upper hand because he was warmed up, fore he had been arguing about it all night ( and he likely thinks he has the better argument ) but the truth is, i was pretty wasted, like on the verge of blackout wasted, and i'm pretty sure i don't know much of what i said at all. i'm also confident that he knows more about perl than i know about java. i fell asleep about forty five minutes into it on top of my laptop, he kept going though. ah drunken middle of the night debates about the merits of software languages with the guy that decided he doesn't even like you enough to hang out, doesn't everyone have that? i don't know whats up with that guy, but i'm pretty sure i have enough "friends" with whom i've mutually agreed with that i shouldn't "fuck" so is it worth the effort? i dunno.
i have the i-still-have-a-bit-of-booze-running-though-my-veins shakes. they make it hard to type.
so can we all fucking agree that jason is awesome?!? i mean, his empathy for my constant plight is really impressive. he's really the little brother i always wanted. always. and i'm so glad he's not dead from falling off his motorcycle. i also liked that he called the motorist that fucked with him a "cunt." it cracks me up when people call other people cunts. plus he's my only friend that can keep up with me boozing style. && he brings beers into bars from home and drinks them.
(i just got my bonus. its half the size it was on paper. wtf is up with that? it can't all be taxes. i shouldn't complain though. free money i don't deserve and all)
last night m, j, jben, and jben's mysteriously hot female programmer friend from microsoft went barhopping in mission and sushiing and craping. number a) sweet d, if you're even still alive. you totally missed out. i wanted to bring you a crape to go in my purse but
inappropriate friend number one wouldn't let me. *fabulous* b) inappropriate friend number one got wasted when he stole the beer from jason. he fell down and after i dared jason to steal 17 lemons from the bar, inappropriate friend number one must have become intrigued with the bright colors of the fruit because he joined us. i feel the bar back pitied him because he let inappropriate friend number one have his last orange. i peeled m's orange for him like a good friend who he has an inappropriate relationship with and he used my hands like a plate without thanking me. inappropriate friend number one and that orange were very entertaining to me last night. && c) the bar was playing phoenix and the arctic monkeys and i danced. that was awesome. lets go there again.
also. jben has definitely found himself a little softspot in the world that is devon. i'm growing fond of him because he gives me a hug when something great happens to me.
i had a guy spend the night. first guy in my new bed. no sex though. i'm not sure it's even blog worthy.
oh so, jason said i couldn't bring a guy with me to tahoe. he said "that's like bringing sand to the beach." but i'm really worried i'm not going to have anyone to make out with come the strike of midnight. blah. c'est la vie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's funny i said that about tahoe since i'm thinking about bringing a girl.

but seriously - it's true.