Friday, December 7, 2007

note to self : no one cares. your voice is average

ah. jets to brazil. so humbling when i realize my assumed genius is only just that. assumed. perhaps i should take piano lessons. i'm sure that all people who play the piano are smarter than i. so on my list of classes to find: piano and yoga. and stitch and bitch. though that's not quite a class at all.
so i invited these two guys i work with out for friday-night-fun-time. they both seemed entirely enthusiastic until the realization set in that they were both married. and i say to myself "is this what happens?" seriously, do married people not have social lives? my married friends in texas do... maybe these guys are just old. or maybe their wives are demons. Zeb created the impression that his wife got to decide whether or not he liked sushi, and once i saw her insist that he couldn't go to tahoe with us, so there is a good possibility these men are being abused. i'm thinking about calling some special service on them, to rescue them.... yeah. i care about their well being, thus this is a good solution.
also, i got accepted to SFSU. who fucking cares you say? i do asshole, that's not very polite. its not like when i was in high school and i'm deciding between the five schools that are competitively offering me financial aide packages, and its not like i'm going to a fabulous school where i'll become more culturally aware after some fabulous growing experience. BUT i'm a woman of the people now, thus i must attend their institutions. and i am happy for myself. thanks to aaron for yelling at me in the conference room to get it done or else i would be fired, you really provided the inspiration i needed.

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