Saturday, December 8, 2007

Can you still feel the butterflies? Can you still hear the last goodnight?

so that's jimmy eat world. i like that song.
I took down a post that was up late last night, drunken blogging style. there are many reasons why, but these three are specifically addressed to my favorite people:
d... you're a badass. i'm sorry for posting personal business about you. still soul mates?
j... you're a badass. i'm sure you get lots of hot tail, and i don't doubt your man hood. still jsf buddies?
b... you're a badass. i'm not put off by your shyness at all. keep it up at your own pace and i totally dig it. still make out friends?

i had an awesome time last night sushi and booze style. nasty hangover aside, i hope that more interactions can take place in which we partake in similar experiences. i don't have anything funny to say. it's probably because my brain is broken. carbs and sleep for me!

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