Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hey you, in the middle of the night with the lights on

VHS or beta. that show was real good. Seriously. go see them because they're amazing.
So I'm beginning to doubt the fail - safety of jawbreaker tattoo logic. Perhaps when I decided I'd marry the first person who had the same when I was eighteen, I hadn't fully thought this through. Perhaps I had no concept of love either.... Yeah. I mean, a promise is a promise but what's a girl to do?
I like the smell of detergent over perfume and cologne. Dating is strange. I wonder what it feels like to really love someone again. I think I forgot about how to use that emotion.
I got an apartment! It's super awesome to the max. I heart it with all I'm capable of.
So I was shoe shopping with Diana, my new bff. (i'm going to get us the necklaces claiming such soon) and she grabs the shoes on display and just puts them right on her foot, like doesn't check the size at all. I consider this to be a very charming characteristic and it quite tickled me but I didn't comment on it because I didn't want her to stop. Also, she judges the merits of high heals on how evenly they stand on their own. Perhaps this is programmer logic. Either way I dig it.
I have to get a white elephant gift that's funny but something one wouldn't want to throw away....yes. i'll have to work on this indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes. heel stability. it's all about heel stability.

also, leaving a blog comment requires one of those captcha word verification things. and the one i have right now either has a "vw" or a "wv" in it. they're right next to each other so it just looks like zigzags. thanks a lot, blogger.