Friday, December 14, 2007

ive felt things you'll never know, recover your losses and let go.

oh gosh. that's seaweed. just thinking about those lyrics makes me pretty melancholy. anyway, love this band.
so today is company christmas party friday, and guess who's not prepared. i'm supposed to be on the bus to go in like three minutes in order to get to work at the appropriate time. so i guess i'm not going to get to work at the appropriate time. Also, i'm moving this weekend and i haven't packed much of anything yet. i suspect tomorrow will be a very productive day.
last night i went to the absynth party to meet my guy crew + josh. it was a total yelp sausage fest && the place smelled as if jagermeister had thrown up on everyone. turns out it gets you drunk enough to dry hump your friend devon though. so we bar hopped and the treo of bois was in full force, like a ten foot lady rejection radius all around us. also michael almost got his ass kicked. michael, i lost you at casanova's and i'm a bit worried about you. i hope you're not bloody in some bathroom.
last night, on my walk, i prayed to tequila and jesus to give me the wisdom to figure out what i should do so that i wasn't bored during said walk. they instructed me to drunk dial the people in my brand new phone. so i called this guy i'm *crushin* on, plus several others. not one person answered. i'm pretty sad about that.

jason and diana,
thanks for starting such an interesting conversation about what a bundle of money found on the ground would be called. benjy had this to say of the situation:
uh, whack not wack, and I'd suggest "defense by definition:"
whack |(h)wak| informal
verb [ trans. ]
strike forcefully with a sharp blow : his attacker whacked him on the
head | [ intrans. ] she found a stick to whack at the branches.
• murder : he was whacked while sitting in his car.
1 a sharp or resounding blow.
2 a try or attempt : we decided to take a whack at spotting the decade's trends.
3 Brit. a specified share of or contribution to something : motorists
pay a fair whack for the use of the roads through taxes.

so as you can see, i was spelling it wrong. perhaps this is what caused your confusion, jason. && how did you know that benjy was from so cal?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i still have no idea how whack explains a wad of cash. hell, i'm surprised he didn't say a grip of cash.

i had no idea he was from so cal. i just assumed it was a lame so-cal-ism. they're always coming up with stupid terms. :)

j/k though. it's nothing against benjy personally. i mean it's not his fault he grew up 6 to 8 hours from the coolest fucking city on earth. but at least he's made the smart decision to move up here.